a post on Reddit, Assemble Entertainment founder and CEO Stefan Marcinek
draws a line in the sand, saying the company is only concerned with serving
customers who are like-minded on the topic of open-mindedness. Marcinek
acknowledges this approach can hurt a company's bottom line, and does not care.
In fact, the post suggests those who aren't in agreement can still return
previously purchased Assemble games:
If you are one of those people who
can't accept others because they don't fit your worldview, because they are gay,
lesbian, bi, trans or queer, who considers people with different skin color,
religion, or ancestry than your own to be foreign or abnormal, who can't stand
them or even insults them, in what way ever, or who is incapable of respecting
women and is violent; who votes for "parties" that are disgusting and inhuman,
supports them, sympathizes with them or is active as a politician for them (yes,
I’m referring especially to the AfD in Germany), then I want to make this
perfectly clear:
I don’t want you as a customer!
I don’t want to see you at our events or conferences. Neither as a visitor nor
as a speaker!
I don’t want to have anything at all to do with you!
If you are one of those people and are about to buy one of our games: Don’t!
If you bought one of our games and can still return it: Do so!
And if you are one of those experts who think "Then you'll sell fewer games",
let me tell you a little secret: You are not the center of this universe or our
bank balance. There are more than seven billion people in this world and
therefore enough customers with their hearts in the right place and who are not
just contemptible fecal defecatory orifices!