Microsoft announces it is rolling out limited beta testing of Xbox Cloud
Gaming for Windows 10 PC and Apple Phones and Tablets starting tomorrow.
Invitations are going out to select Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Members, with plans
to continually expand the testing to eventually include all Xbox Game Pass
Ultimate Members. Here's more on how this will work:
Those who receive an
invite just need a compatible Bluetooth or USB-connected controller or can use
custom touch controls for more than 50 games to start playing and testing. In
the early stages of the beta, we’ll be focusing on fine-tuning features and
creating a consistent experience across platforms, while making sure games are
running their best. For more information on how to play, an updated list of
supported devices, and release notes, please visit our support hub.
This is an exciting step on our journey to bring gaming to the 3 billion players
around the world. Thanks so much for helping us shape cloud gaming, from the
early days in Preview to today, quite simply we couldn’t have done it without