Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts

Mojang announces the Caves & Cliffs update for Minecraft is being split up, with the first half coming this summer, while the second half is due around the holidays:
We know this is a highly anticipated update. It's also the most ambitious one we've ever developed and we’re striving to deliver as much fun content as possible without compromising on quality. However, due to the ambition level of this update and the current state of the world, we’ve found it difficult to deliver on this promise while sticking to our original timeline. Since giving you the best update possible is our priority, we have decided to split Caves & Cliffs into two parts. The first part is coming this summer, while the second is planned for release around the holiday season.

We know this news is disappointing to many of you, but there are several reasons for this change. Firstly, we strive to deliver the most polished experience possible, and including all the Caves & Cliffs features in the summer update would have meant compromising on quality. And even though occasional bugs are a reality of game development, we want this update to be an amazing experience, not wreak havoc on your meticulously crafted worlds.
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Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts
Apr 15, 2021, 12:20
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts Apr 15, 2021, 12:20
Apr 15, 2021, 12:20
OddballFlinch wrote on Apr 15, 2021, 04:52:
Mojang should instead have their full focus right now on developing Minecraft HD with a vastly more advanced voxel engine. The cubic-meter-blocks look is seriously dated, especially now that there are engines in the works that enable many times more detailed voxel worlds, and with physics to boot. Teardown is one example, although it looks too blocky to be taken into consideration, but the physics are good. To my knowledge, the ones that are truly pushing the envelope are John "Lin" and Atomontage.

The joke being none of those super detailed (say 512² voxels per sqm2) engines actually are playable games and Teardown is not one the ones I'd consider a good example, technologically it is quite depressing that a single voxel can hold up an entire building if it is connected, and that even absolutely nothing can hold up a building if there is ANY voxel connection that goes anywhere to the ground, no matter how absurd (cables..) spanning horizontally and connected way at the top of a building.

Once these modern voxel engines are out, I want a WW2 (or fantasy sci-fi) submarine simulation with them. MAKE IT HAPPEN
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Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts
Apr 15, 2021, 10:48
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts Apr 15, 2021, 10:48
Apr 15, 2021, 10:48
The Half Elf wrote on Apr 14, 2021, 22:52:
They dumped the Big Huge Graphics update for RTX but yet RTX isn't on Sony or Microsoft Consoles... way to go!

Those consoles are ridiculously underpowered for ray tracing anyway. Minecraft RTX looks incredible and it’s a great project there is no reason to take anything away from it.

Would be better to just say “we’re not ready yet we’re delaying until Q4” then make a Covid excuse.
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts
Apr 15, 2021, 10:32
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts Apr 15, 2021, 10:32
Apr 15, 2021, 10:32
These "its covids fault" excuses are getting ridiculous. If your company hasn't adapted to working in this environment and delivering on time, then it's your company that is the problem.
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts
Apr 15, 2021, 04:52
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts Apr 15, 2021, 04:52
Apr 15, 2021, 04:52
Mojang should instead have their full focus right now on developing Minecraft HD with a vastly more advanced voxel engine. The cubic-meter-blocks look is seriously dated, especially now that there are engines in the works that enable many times more detailed voxel worlds, and with physics to boot. Teardown is one example, although it looks too blocky to be taken into consideration, but the physics are good. To my knowledge, the ones that are truly pushing the envelope are John "Lin" and Atomontage.
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts
Apr 14, 2021, 22:52
Re: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Now Coming in Two Parts Apr 14, 2021, 22:52
Apr 14, 2021, 22:52
They dumped the Big Huge Graphics update for RTX but yet RTX isn't on Sony or Microsoft Consoles... way to go!
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