At least Twitter finally purged some Antifa accounts recently.
But given how many calls for violence from the Leftist celebrities and politicians, and Antifa "organizers", have been residing on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, without any censorship, which clearly had a major role to play in violence, murder and destruction of property over the course of half of 2020, not to mention the spread of demonization of Trump and his supporters in the past 5 years which inflamed violence against them at countless rallies, plus continuous denial of results of 2016 election and spread of BASELESS rumors about "collusion" which were DEBUNKED after a pointless investigation, and which undermined the very PILLARS of our Democracy, I'd say it's time to deplatform all of these platforms once and for all.
They "far-left's favorite registrars and hosts". Extremism, violence, spread of hoaxes must not be tolerated. Nuke them now.
It's all about that "responsibility", after all. And fairness. Let's not forget fairness.