Simon Says wrote on Jan 10, 2021, 12:45:
RedEye9 wrote on Jan 9, 2021, 15:35:
Are you upset that someone is actively searching for child porn on the internet to expose it, report it and get it removed and prosecuted.
Seems a bit odd for something to rant about don't you think.
Nice of you to put words in my mouth like this. You've become quite adept at painting strawman logical fallacies lately. Can't say I applaud your most illogical focus.
But back to the topic...
What seems odd is her obsession with equating child porn to adult porn by wanting to ban adult porn outright using child porn as an excuse, which is exactly what the movement she works for advocates.
It's just another case of "think of the children" bullshit to push a particular political, and in this case religious agenda ( the movement in question is quite transparent about this ), and you know it.
If I were as inclined as you seem to be lately at spinning a strawman, I could say: "What are you saying? That you want religion to dictate policy and to turn the US into a theological dictatorship like in Saudi Arabia where women are treated like property?" See how insipid and unhinged that sounds? So next time... please, if you could try avoiding logical fallacies in general and strawmans like these here in particular?
That being said... Have a nice day bro.
Child porn and terrorism are the two "go tos" for removing rights, snooping on citizens, ramming religion down our throats. It's difficult to combat these attacks because opponents will state you are "for" child porn or terrorism, when are simply for not throwing out 99% of the non-child porn/terrorism sites/rights to combat problems the 1% of cases that are actually child porn or terrorism related.