Supposedly? His campaign sent emails to the insurrectionists to be there at a certain date. He fired them up and said they needed to march on the capitol to show their "strength".
This was not a riot or protests. This was a violent insurrection against our government. A riot is random violence against random targets such as parked cars, storefronts, etc. with no goal. This was storming the capitol in hopes the lawmakers would be there. While some of the perps looked and acted like clowns, there were some armed with restraints, weapons. For in inexplicable reason, security was abnormally light this day that Trump and dark-money organizations (through robocalls) told these people to be there. As the coup progressed, Trump refused to call in reinforcements such as the National Guard, and his aides state he seemed elated by what was happening. They begged him to release a statement to condemn and diffuse the situation. He refused. Instead, he actually had the gall to call up congressional lawmakers and tell them now is the time to throw the election to him, while they were under duress. Hours later a prerecorded statement was released which again called the election fraudulent and rigged, which were the very things that caused these people to march in the first place. He also expressed his admiration for those who participated in the insurrection.
During the events, there were obviously some people participating that knew exactly where certain sensitive areas were, even if legislators worked in areas that were not their public offices. Laptops, files, and desktops of top-level government officials were stolen or accessed during the coup. Whether it was Trump supporters or foreign agents using the chaos of the Trump Insurrection as cover, we do not know at this time.
Trump deserves to be impeached and charged for his role in instigating this violent insurrection, as do the others who participated. Trump supporters should be ashamed for continued support of this treasonous clown.
JediPunisher wrote on Jan 9, 2021, 19:03:
Banning the current President of the United States from social media for supposedly inciting an angry mob is a bad idea.
Trump only has a few days left in office, and this sets a precedent that could come back to bite them very soon.
Soon-to-be President Harris (we all know Joe won't last long) praised those peaceful protests over the summer as the "New Coalition of Conscience" and even helped raise money to bail them out.
In August, Senator Kamala Harris spoke to former comedian Stephen Colbert about the riots that rocked the country throughout the summer. Harris gleefully said that "they're not gonna stop," come the election. "This is a movement, I'm telling you," she said.
Colbert noted that media just wasn't covering these riots by the end of August for some reason, and Harris seemed to think this was a problem.
Harris nodded, "Right, that's right," she said. "But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop. This is a movement, I'm telling you. They're not gonna stop. And everyone BEWARE, because they're not gonna stop."
"They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. And that should be–everyone should take note of that, on both levels.
They're not gonna let up," Harris said with pride, "and they should not. And we should not."
The August 30 interview came after 30 people were killed in the intensive rioting from May through August, and billions of dollars in property damage was reported.