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Re: Humble Software Bundle: Be a Creative Superhero!
Oct 1, 2020, 11:18
Re: Humble Software Bundle: Be a Creative Superhero! Oct 1, 2020, 11:18
Oct 1, 2020, 11:18
Francis Frank wrote on Oct 1, 2020, 07:56:
FYI, this includes *6 months* of CorelDRAW when you pay over $30. For anyone interested specifically in CorelDRAW, it's basically an extended, $30 trial.

That was a bit of a bummer. Though I'm probably going to grab it for the $30 Painter 2020... Humorously, I just got an email for Corel about how I can save so much right now by buying Painter 2020 from them for $99. Lol.
Avatar 19484
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Oct 1, 2020, 10:08
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Oct 1, 2020, 10:08
Oct 1, 2020, 10:08
Yeah, everything you said is true. There's a spectrum of comfort / ease in VR that goes something like this...

  • room scale VR where you always have 1:1 lock between physical and virtual movement - almost nobody gets sick from this
  • teleportation and other gimmicky VR locomotion tricks - pretty easy
  • sitting in a cockpit piloting a vehicle - varies depending on the moves you pull, dogfights can be tiring
  • smooth locomotion (i.e. moving forward with the W of WASD, or a trackpad/thumbstick) - totally doable if you reprogram your brain to handle it
  • smooth head turning and artificial camera control in e.g. cutscenes - produces immediate and severe suffering for most humans, not recommended
  • slowly rolling backwards at a stop sign in a truck in Euro Truck Simulator 2 - the ultimate grueling VR challenge!

The bottom line is that you need to feel in control of the link between your physical head movement + orientation changes and the corresponding effect on the virtual camera. Sitting in a cockpit with nearby visual references generally helps with that but there are limits.
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Oct 1, 2020, 07:59
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Oct 1, 2020, 07:59
Oct 1, 2020, 07:59
As as VR user I can only share my own experiences. With Alyx I've had absolutely no motion sickness, but then again I'm using the jump-to-spot move "feature" in the game. In DCS and Il2 the VR immersion is even more fantastic however during heavy maneuvering, when a lot of stuff is accelerating and things are moving quickly accross the screen, I do get a little bit of motion sickness. I wouldn't call it motion sickness though, it's more like a feeling of acceleration or "falling" without the actual forces and the discomfort in my case passes as soon as things settle down again. In my case the feeling is more exhilarating than disturbing. Also the feeling of flying a helicopter down low is unlike anything else.
I haven't tried any driving games yet, as I've sold my wheel and pedals a while ago but I'm probably going to at some point. Would also like a Mechwarrior game in this vein, unfortunately Mechwarrior5: Mercs does not support VR gameplay.

As for Squadrons, im still on the fence, on the one hand Im a huge Tie Fighter, X-Wing fan, on the other I fear they may ruin the fond memories I have of these games. I think in the end I will probably get it, simply because of the VR experience.
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Re: Humble Software Bundle: Be a Creative Superhero!
Oct 1, 2020, 07:56
Re: Humble Software Bundle: Be a Creative Superhero! Oct 1, 2020, 07:56
Oct 1, 2020, 07:56
FYI, this includes *6 months* of CorelDRAW when you pay over $30. For anyone interested specifically in CorelDRAW, it's basically an extended, $30 trial.
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Oct 1, 2020, 07:11
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Oct 1, 2020, 07:11
Oct 1, 2020, 07:11
Scottish Martial Arts wrote on Sep 30, 2020, 22:48:
fakespyder wrote on Sep 30, 2020, 22:38:
When I finally have my new pc (in the near future Pray ) and vr sometime afterward, I'm excited to give this a try. I want a Star Wars game to be my first vr experience. I'm hoping I'll settle into my Xwing and never want to leave, like when I was a kid.

There'll be a lot of AI to kill and I always welcome multiplayer bots for game longevity.
Still, I am kind of disappointed that multiplay is only 5v5.

I'll be curious to see what a space game is like in VR. I got a headset for Alyx but haven't done much with it beyond playing through Alyx, since I've not yet developed VR legs and find the experience pretty uncomfortable. I did give DCS a try in VR recently and it was similarly vertigo inducing; flying straight was fine (including climbs and dives), but doing a steep turn where my head was oriented perpendicular to the horizon, but with no accompanying shift in gravity, was turning my stomach. Would a space game where there's no horizon or expectation of gravity be more accommodating to my brain's sense of orientation? I hope so. And if not, playing on a flat monitor will be probably fun too.
From what I've read/heard from others, the visual of sitting in a cockpit makes it far less disconcerting than the games that have you move around as if on foot. While there can be some motion sickness, since your body does not register movement while your visual input does, the fact that you're sitting down while at the controls of a vehicle helps cheat your mind. Poor framerates, screen tearing, camera shaking and other such effects can make the experience worse.

But that's only things I've heard and read from people who have actually used VR headsets, not personal experience.
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Oct 1, 2020, 02:51
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Oct 1, 2020, 02:51
Oct 1, 2020, 02:51
Scottish Martial Arts wrote on Sep 30, 2020, 22:48:
I'll be curious to see what a space game is like in VR. I got a headset for Alyx but haven't done much with it beyond playing through Alyx, since I've not yet developed VR legs and find the experience pretty uncomfortable. I did give DCS a try in VR recently and it was similarly vertigo inducing; flying straight was fine (including climbs and dives), but doing a steep turn where my head was oriented perpendicular to the horizon, but with no accompanying shift in gravity, was turning my stomach. Would a space game where there's no horizon or expectation of gravity be more accommodating to my brain's sense of orientation? I hope so. And if not, playing on a flat monitor will be probably fun too.

Yeah, I'm not the best with motion sickness in real-life. I'm hoping it will be something I can overcome in vr. I'm afraid the experience of vr wont match what is built up in my mind. Some youtubers can make it look awesome but I know I get caught up in their enthusiasm for it.
I'll find out for myself one day.
Avatar 58853
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Sep 30, 2020, 22:48
Re: STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Sep 30, 2020, 22:48
Sep 30, 2020, 22:48
fakespyder wrote on Sep 30, 2020, 22:38:
When I finally have my new pc (in the near future Pray ) and vr sometime afterward, I'm excited to give this a try. I want a Star Wars game to be my first vr experience. I'm hoping I'll settle into my Xwing and never want to leave, like when I was a kid.

There'll be a lot of AI to kill and I always welcome multiplayer bots for game longevity.
Still, I am kind of disappointed that multiplay is only 5v5.

I'll be curious to see what a space game is like in VR. I got a headset for Alyx but haven't done much with it beyond playing through Alyx, since I've not yet developed VR legs and find the experience pretty uncomfortable. I did give DCS a try in VR recently and it was similarly vertigo inducing; flying straight was fine (including climbs and dives), but doing a steep turn where my head was oriented perpendicular to the horizon, but with no accompanying shift in gravity, was turning my stomach. Would a space game where there's no horizon or expectation of gravity be more accommodating to my brain's sense of orientation? I hope so. And if not, playing on a flat monitor will be probably fun too.
STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.*
Sep 30, 2020, 22:38
STAR WARS: Squadrons Pre-purchase - Green Man Gaming.* Sep 30, 2020, 22:38
Sep 30, 2020, 22:38
When I finally have my new pc (in the near future Pray ) and vr sometime afterward, I'm excited to give this a try. I want a Star Wars game to be my first vr experience. I'm hoping I'll settle into my Xwing and never want to leave, like when I was a kid.

There'll be a lot of AI to kill and I always welcome multiplayer bots for game longevity.
Still, I am kind of disappointed that multiplay is only 5v5.
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