aka_STEVE wrote on Aug 7, 2020, 09:27:
WHAT EXACTLY ! do you actually do with all this awesome simulation crap if there is no game ??
just fly around & experience empty space..?... Using your imagination of how cool it would be to actually do something ..?
I mean, seriously... how is any backer OK with what little has been made into a playable game state by now ??
WOW, just WOW !
There is a lot of discontent in the community right now. Few features are being added yet performance is getting worse. I have a 8700K andd GTX 1080 Ti yet I'm getting regular drops to 3-9fps and in landing zones it averages around 30-40fps with awful frametimings. Even if all the gameplay was there it wouldn't be playable or enjoyable. And given that CIG has abandoned the roadmaps for S42 and SC there is no indication that things are going to improve any time soon.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Aug 7, 2020, 15:33:
"With new dynamic flight systems in place to enable thruster efficiency curves, aerodynamic ship surfaces, and jerk customized to every ship in the game, pilots should expect each ship in Star Citizen to behave differently and with much more individual character. "
what the fuck does this even mean?
First and foremost.. a game must be FUN... are you going to have to calibrate your flight sensors too? Should this be my job after my regular job? fuck off.
It means that ships are less responsive and more difficult to fly in atmosphere. Some large ships, like the Reclaimer, are now effectively unusable.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."