Mojang Becomes Mojang Studios

The Minecraft Website reveals that Mojang is celebrating Minecraft's 11th birthday with a new name, and they will be henceforth known as Mojang Studios. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, but they go even further and unveil a new logo. They say there's a secret "hiding" in their new logo, and offer this trailer to introduce "the mysterious little gizmos known as the Mojangs." Here's word:
We will say this: play is at the heart of Mojang Studios. It’s the blocky backbone of our games, the core of our development philosophy, and even entangled in our name (which roughly translates to “gadget” in lovely, old-timey Swedish). And now, finally, it’s squarely planted in our new, modular logo.

But we have yet to reveal our biggest little secrets. They are hiding in plain sight – in this very blog post – as part of the new logo. Introducing: the Mojangs! These mysterious little gizmos are powered by play. They test and tinker, endlessly explore, and help us discover new corners of the Minecraft universe.

Not entirely sure you understand what the Mojangs are? No worries! We created this entirely straightforward and scientifically sound trailer to explain their origin, especially for you:
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Re: Mojang Becomes Mojang Studios
May 18, 2020, 15:35
Re: Mojang Becomes Mojang Studios May 18, 2020, 15:35
May 18, 2020, 15:35
Dev wrote on May 18, 2020, 09:39:
I bought mine in 2010 for 10 euro with paypal (wasn't $10 at the time, they were a euro only shop).
Anyways, you have to use the migrate account thing if you didn't have email to sign in with, the other guy linked that. I migrated mine a few years ago I think? I don't think there's a time limit for that

After you migrate to the mojang account, you should be set for the Java edition. Which is the one with most mods.

If you want the microsoft edition, there's supposed to be a way to get that too, but I had difficulties last time I tried.

Edit: Whoops! Looks like I'm a month past the deadline to get my free windows 10 version
I wonder if you could still convert it if you complained.
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 Re: Mojang Becomes Mojang Studios
May 18, 2020May 18 2020