Razumen wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 10:09:bigspender wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:48:
I thought they were doing invasions (like dark souls) where other players can screw with your campaign by controlling the heavy demons. And for some reason I thought it would have coop thru the story mode. And no mods sucks.
I believe they're adding invasion mode after release, and mods are something they want to do in the future, that's specifically why they removed megatextures for DE. I think it'll happen eventually, the tools looked pretty cool from what we've seen in the developer reports.
aka_STEVE wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 14:39:
I've played enough now to agree with the people saying , 'overall' it just isn't as much fun as it could be. It's almost like work. No replayability , because there's not enough mindless, shooting - running around rooms having fun blasting away on end.
Play DOOM 64 that came with it and you will notice the difference of playing & having fun with a game almost 25 years old versus the newer one.
I would pretty much say that Doom 2016 was a 'better game' ... No stupid, overly complex story, no swinging like a russian gymnast or climbing walls endlessly -- it just had a lot of good killing action , over and over.
I still like Doom Eternal , I just wish it had more of that DOOM shooting & less of the rest they added .
Cram wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 17:52:
The Marauders are the worst part of DE for me.
They can be downed with some strats, somewhat easily. But when they show up randomly, you can often kiss all your one-ups goodbye especially if they're surrounded by mobs. So that leaves you with nothing for the rest of the mission, unless you restart from the beginning.
The Marauders are the definition of interruption to game flow. Again, before anyone retorts me, yes they can be killed somewhat simply in ideal conditions without losing a single life. However, ideal conditions is rare/non existent in this game and a few of the Marauders spawn points are random.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Poe's Law doesn't "work" or "not work." It simply observes that in our current time, dialog has ramped up to such a point that it is not possible to discern a serious post from a satirical one. Thus Razumen's understandable confusion. The only reason I could tell is because I'm familiar with Riahderymnmaddog's posting history.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
Beamer wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 11:05:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 10:52:Beamer wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 08:34:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
When have sales figures ever not meant fuck all?
Anyway, the core combat loop of this game is the same as the original, so I'm still loving it. Literally every thing they added to it is bad, except for the ability to meaningfully replay levels (which really should have been there in the original), but everything else is detrimental.
Since the core is so much fun, I'm still loving the combat. Though I also find this much, much, much easier than the original. Just beat the first boss, and did it without sweating. I'm not on Nightmare, one down from it, but it shouldn't have been that easy. Nearly everything is that easy. You only die if you accidentally run into something very large.
I played Ultra-Violence or something, you too? I died quite a lot actually, but not before where you seem to be right now. I wonder what your thoughts will be later into the game.
As for your initial question: I guess sales mattered when the majority of the development budget (pardon the hyperbole I guess) wasn't spent on marketing.
I mean, most of my favorite games didn't sell well. Some of them sold very poorly. Usually, there isn't a great correlation between sales and subjective quality.
I did a rant on DE earlier. Like I said, I feel like it's overburdened (there are so many actions you can ask me to do before I have to move a finger off of strafe, which is death in this game), I feel like the multiple upgrade systems are way too complicated and things like suit upgrades don't feel very meaningful (partially because they tend to either make exploration moot or deal with the things that require me to stop strafing and therefore die), and I feel like the level design kind of sucks because it's a spatially-vague Hell-like environment instead of things we know, or it's a non-sensical but stereotypical huge base in Antarctica that has a layout not even demons would find useful.
But I still just really like killing demons.
I hear the Marauders coming up suck a lot of fun out, though.
phinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 13:14:
Doom Eternal has been awesome so far, I'm about 5 hours in, I *highly* recommend it. id Tech 7 is a work of art too. Been running 1080p/120fps ish high settings on my 3 year old 9600K/1080 rig. So fast and smooth.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 10:52:Beamer wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 08:34:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
When have sales figures ever not meant fuck all?
Anyway, the core combat loop of this game is the same as the original, so I'm still loving it. Literally every thing they added to it is bad, except for the ability to meaningfully replay levels (which really should have been there in the original), but everything else is detrimental.
Since the core is so much fun, I'm still loving the combat. Though I also find this much, much, much easier than the original. Just beat the first boss, and did it without sweating. I'm not on Nightmare, one down from it, but it shouldn't have been that easy. Nearly everything is that easy. You only die if you accidentally run into something very large.
I played Ultra-Violence or something, you too? I died quite a lot actually, but not before where you seem to be right now. I wonder what your thoughts will be later into the game.
As for your initial question: I guess sales mattered when the majority of the development budget (pardon the hyperbole I guess) wasn't spent on marketing.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 10:42:Razumen wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 06:08:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 04:05:Kosumo wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:53:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
So what made you buy it?
My almost obsessive love for DOOM 2016![]()
I knew this was going to be a gamble. I've been saying it here before Doom Eternal's release multiple times, that I was afraid it would suck for me.
Doom 2016 was the same, that required your best as well. DE just has more of everything really.
Maybe this is true but I enjoyed that game even on highest difficulty. The problem with DE is that it wants to tell me what gun I should use. If I want to meathook shotgun every mofo for 20 hours with abandon, you can't do it because even with the recharging chainsaw fuelyou'll run out of shells.
As for Story difficulty... What story? I replayed DOOM 2016 like 5 times because of the combat flavored by atmosphere and immersion. DE doesn't have that and therefore has no replayability, I think. To me at least.
Beamer wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 08:34:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
When have sales figures ever not meant fuck all?
Anyway, the core combat loop of this game is the same as the original, so I'm still loving it. Literally every thing they added to it is bad, except for the ability to meaningfully replay levels (which really should have been there in the original), but everything else is detrimental.
Since the core is so much fun, I'm still loving the combat. Though I also find this much, much, much easier than the original. Just beat the first boss, and did it without sweating. I'm not on Nightmare, one down from it, but it shouldn't have been that easy. Nearly everything is that easy. You only die if you accidentally run into something very large.
Razumen wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 06:08:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 04:05:Kosumo wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:53:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
So what made you buy it?
My almost obsessive love for DOOM 2016![]()
I knew this was going to be a gamble. I've been saying it here before Doom Eternal's release multiple times, that I was afraid it would suck for me.
Doom 2016 was the same, that required your best as well. DE just has more of everything really.
Razumen wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 10:09:bigspender wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:48:
I thought they were doing invasions (like dark souls) where other players can screw with your campaign by controlling the heavy demons. And for some reason I thought it would have coop thru the story mode. And no mods sucks.
I believe they're adding invasion mode after release, and mods are something they want to do in the future, that's specifically why they removed megatextures for DE. I think it'll happen eventually, the tools looked pretty cool from what we've seen in the developer reports.
bigspender wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:48:
I thought they were doing invasions (like dark souls) where other players can screw with your campaign by controlling the heavy demons. And for some reason I thought it would have coop thru the story mode. And no mods sucks.
Quinn wrote:
Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q8hAb230OERazumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:Youre right, satire is very hard to tell nowadays, since reality surpassed it 10 fold on a lot of topics.jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 04:05:Kosumo wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:53:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
So what made you buy it?
My almost obsessive love for DOOM 2016![]()
I knew this was going to be a gamble. I've been saying it here before Doom Eternal's release multiple times, that I was afraid it would suck for me.
Kosumo wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:53:Quinn wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 03:18:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:51:Drayth wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 23:26:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:Check the ol' satire detector there.Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.![]()
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Till you realize all his posts are satirical.
Just saying something is satire doesn't make it satire.
I can write all my posts as negations and call them jokes, but they wouldn't be.
It's this "Poe's Law" people like RedEye get excited about everytime Riah-etc posts something. I made the case earlier that that just doesn't work in online communities, because stupidity knows no bounds in this area.
As for Doom Eternal: biggest waste of money for me this year so far. I've literally had more fun playing Niffelheim, which cost me 2 bucks. Doom Eternal makes me think of Jedi Fallen Order somehow -- with that game, too, I expected a cool action game that had me slice through unfortunate stormtroopers, mechanics and creatures but instead I got this every-battle-demands-your-best-effort labor. Oh, and the flamethrower reminds me of those YT videos where someone holds a lighter at their asshole when they fart.
Fuck me I hate Doom Eternal.
Sales figures mean fuck all these days.
So what made you buy it?