aka_STEVE wrote on Mar 26, 2020, 14:39:
I've played enough now to agree with the people saying , 'overall' it just isn't as much fun as it could be. It's almost like work. No replayability , because there's not enough mindless, shooting - running around rooms having fun blasting away on end.
Play DOOM 64 that came with it and you will notice the difference of playing & having fun with a game almost 25 years old versus the newer one.
I would pretty much say that Doom 2016 was a 'better game' ... No stupid, overly complex story, no swinging like a russian gymnast or climbing walls endlessly -- it just had a lot of good killing action , over and over.
I still like Doom Eternal , I just wish it had more of that DOOM shooting & less of the rest they added .
This is a classic case of "Damned if you do and damned if you don't."
What you described as ideal is closer to Doom 2016, which was mostly arenas of combat over and over. regardless of what you think of arenas, it was fun, but people complained there was too many arenas. So in DE they changed maps up now to be more varied and a little closer to the original's, while still keeping the arena format for a lot of sections. But because of that people are now complaining there's not enough action.
It's too bad they didn't include Arcade Mode in DE, because I think that would be right up your alley.