Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 22:41:
jdreyer wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:36:
Razumen wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 21:33:
Riahderymnmaddog wrote on Mar 25, 2020, 19:24:
BULLSHIT! Physical copy's are down proving that DOOM is a failure. If there counting digital sales they are cheating and lying
Ok boomer.
Check the ol' satire detector there.
Eh, too hard to tell on this site, and there wasn't anything particularly satirical about his post anyways.
Youre right, satire is very hard to tell nowadays, since reality surpassed it 10 fold on a lot of topics.
But not on this.
I have given up on waiting for BIS to come back to their senses and do a real ArmA 2 successor.