The Witcher series is waaaay better than I expected. Henry Cavill is just an amazing Geralt. He channels Witcher 3 Geralt almost perfectly. Yennefer and Ciri are great, and the rest of the cast is pretty solid as well. I especially liked Tissaia and Stregobor (Myanna Buring and Lars Mikkelson respectively)
Jaskier/Dandelion is an absolute treasure.
Great songs too. I got so used to ginger Triss though that I forgot that she isn't actually a redhead in the books, so seeing her without her red hair was strange.
The fights are fantastic, particularly in Blaviken and The Battle of Sodden Hill.
I'm not sure how it's anything like Game of Thrones. More happens in 8 episodes of The Witcher than happens in the first 30 episodes of Game of Thrones. If anything, the quick pacing and jumping between the time periods seems to have confused a lot of viewers. It's also very, very sparse with regards to useless expository dialogue. It demands a lot in terms of being able to piece things together yourself.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?