Steam Link for iOS and Apple TV

Valve announces that the Steam Link app is now available for iOS and Apple TV:
The Steam Link app, designed to extend Steam's suite of services and accessibility, is now available free of charge for iOS and Apple TV users (

The Steam Link app allows gamers to experience their Steam library of games on Apple (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV) devices while connected via 5Ghz network or wired Ethernet to a host computer running Steam. The Steam Link app features support for the Steam Controller, MFI controllers, and more.
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Re: Street Fighter V New Character & Patch Plans
May 16, 2019, 01:57
Re: Street Fighter V New Character & Patch Plans May 16, 2019, 01:57
May 16, 2019, 01:57
I got notified that Steam needed an audio update. Maybe see if you can trigger that.

Played around with this for around 10 minutes with my iPad Pro 2 and Steam Controller. Graphics are blocky as hell and the sound is a bit choppy. Don't think I'll find any use for this. Controller was also pretty random if it worked or not. The whole thing feels very half-assed

This comment was edited on May 16, 2019, 03:05.
May 15, 2019May 15 2019
May 15, 2019May 15 2019
May 16, 2019May 16 2019
May 16, 2019May 16 2019
May 16, 2019May 16 2019
    Re: Street Fighter V New Character & Patch Plans
May 16, 2019May 16 2019
May 16, 2019May 16 2019
May 16, 2019May 16 2019