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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 19:21
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 19:21
Mar 22, 2019, 19:21
Competition makes the industry better. I was somewhat supportive of EGS when it was first announced for this reason; God knows that Valve needed a kick in the ass because Steam is a damnable mess. But the EGS client is awful and Epic's methods are anti-competitive, and I've soured on them. Create a client that is as beneficial to gamers as it is to developers, and then we'll talk. But don't release a sub-par client that lacks expected functionality, lets developers hide all criticism and locks up third-party games behind exclusivity agreements and then try to tell us how you are making the industry "better" and that complainers are morons for not seeing how wonderfully beneficent you are. We can see through your flim-flamery.
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
you only have to use the client to download the game then turn it off almost none of the games need it in the background. Be more informed before making such a comment.
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
Mar 22, 2019, 19:28
Another DRM Launcher does NOT make the industry better, from a consumer point of view.

Yes, competition is better in general, but most people are unwilling to install another data-slurping store application when one or two is suffice. (and mostly unwanted in the first place)

Compete with GOG instead of Steam... get rid of the DRM, Telemetry spyware launchers. Sick and tired of being datamined / monotized without my permission (or being forced into it, which is the same thing in my opinion)
Get your games from GOG DAMMIT!
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 19:32
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 19:32
Mar 22, 2019, 19:32
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 19:28:
you only have to use the client to download the game then turn it off almost none of the games need it in the background. Be more informed before making such a comment.

Define "turn off".

Links Please.
Get your games from GOG DAMMIT!
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 20:45
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 20:45
Mar 22, 2019, 20:45
Oh this is by the Game Consumer Protection Industry, it must be real! Oh wait, what's the Game Industry Biz?
Scorpio Slasher: ... What about you boy, what do hate?
Marcus: ... Bullies. Tiny d*ck egotists who hurt people for no reason, make people lock their doors at night. People who make general existence worse, people like you.
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 20:46
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 20:46
Mar 22, 2019, 20:46
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 20:56
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 20:56
Mar 22, 2019, 20:56
Wrong. I launched a game from the Epic Game Store by it's shortcut and the first thing that launched was the Epic Game Store.
I pwnz j00!
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 21:49
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 21:49
Mar 22, 2019, 21:49
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!

Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.
Parallax Abstraction
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 22, 2019, 23:54
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 22, 2019, 23:54
Mar 22, 2019, 23:54
I just tested with my free Subnautica from EGS
- In EGS setting, UNCHECK "Minimize To System Tray"
- Launch Subnautica
- ALT-TAB and close EGS (in my case, I have dual screen setup - Gaming screen on left, EGS client on right. I just move my mouse to the right and close EGS)
- Subnautica still running and playing it

I double checked with Task Manager and confirmed EGS client is NOT running


I did another test...
-I tried directly run (double click) Subnautica.exe from File Explorer and it WILL NOT WORK. So I am guessing all EGS games NEED EGS client to "launch" the game, but once the game is launched, you can "close" EGS client.
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 00:02
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 00:02
Mar 23, 2019, 00:02
Competition means nothing if it doesn't drive down prices. If it's just companies warring over exclusives, it's entirely downside for the consumer.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 02:13
El Pit
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 02:13
Mar 23, 2019, 02:13
 El Pit
Avus wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 23:54:
I did another test...
-I tried directly run (double click) Subnautica.exe from File Explorer and it WILL NOT WORK. So I am guessing all EGS games NEED EGS client to "launch" the game, but once the game is launched, you can "close" EGS client.

Which processes are started with the EGS client and are all of them closed, too, if you "close" the EGS client (while running the game via ALT+Tab - i.e. the regular user will leave it on as the EGS client is OBVIOUSLY SUPPOSED TO RUN DURING GAMING by Epic)?

I won't test it - no interest on Epic client on my OS.
In the current political and social climate, don't be an aggressive monkey . Show that you have evolved that important thin sugar coating called civilization. Don't fall for the fools.
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 02:19
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 02:19
Mar 23, 2019, 02:19
Parallax Abstraction wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 21:49:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!

Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.

did you do a google search to be informed on how to do it properly or did you just bumble-"F" your way through it?
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 03:10
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 03:10
Mar 23, 2019, 03:10
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 02:19:
Parallax Abstraction wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 21:49:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!

Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.

did you do a google search to be informed on how to do it properly or did you just bumble-"F" your way through it?

How about you do some research and find out that even if you close the service, it pulls a epic (snerk) fuckton of info each time it is force started to launch a game?


That is the same shit the Origin client did before people called them on it. Maybe instead of shilling or fanboi-ing for epic, you can help them by calling them out on their bullshit?

The simple fact is that right now they are more concerned about gaining market share than doing the right thing. If you are all into that, good for you, but don't get your panties in a wad if some of us don't like it. Especially since epic and sweeney have some shady ties to totalitarian governments to be concerned with too.
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Re: Evening Interviews - Weak Selling Point
Mar 23, 2019, 06:35
Re: Evening Interviews - Weak Selling Point Mar 23, 2019, 06:35
Mar 23, 2019, 06:35
Anytime a "new" store opens in my neighborhood, if the most positive selling point the proprietors can put foreword is that their store "is good for competition" instead of their products value to the consumer, I pass.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! - HT
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 09:52
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 09:52
Mar 23, 2019, 09:52
Maybe gamers don't see that because there really IS no benefit for gamers, by and large?

Granted, in a few cases, the publisher/devs lowered the price of the game, which is great for gamers. In the large majority of cases, the price remained exactly the same, so then it's only beneficial for them.

Which leads to the nebulous argument that "Well, if devs keep more of the money, that keeps them in the black and keeps them making new games!"

Sure. If that was how it worked. But the DEVS aren't seeing an extra fucking dime out of this money, their PUBLISHER is. (a few self-published indies notwithstanding.) And do you think that publisher is going to keep that dev around because they now get an extra 18% of the split? Fuck no. That dev still gets fired, and that money still goes to the fucking shareholders.

And in the meantime, Epic has fucking trash security (Give us your credit card number!), no fucking support (oh, did you game disappear? Sucks to be you, buy it again!), and no features on their client. (You're paying the same price, why would you expect even some rudimentary features?!) Ye Gods, I'm having trouble breathing from all the benefits I'm getting from it! Rolleyes

Don't piss on my face and tell me it's fucking raining, GamesIndustry.shill.

Again, if any individual has no problem with these issues around the Epic store, more power to them. But stop the horseshit rhetoric that just because it doesn't matter to YOU it shouldn't matter to anyone.
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 10:33
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 10:33
Mar 23, 2019, 10:33
Mordhaus wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 03:10:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 02:19:
Parallax Abstraction wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 21:49:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!

Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.

did you do a google search to be informed on how to do it properly or did you just bumble-"F" your way through it?

How about you do some research and find out that even if you close the service, it pulls a epic (snerk) fuckton of info each time it is force started to launch a game?


That is the same shit the Origin client did before people called them on it. Maybe instead of shilling or fanboi-ing for epic, you can help them by calling them out on their bullshit?

The simple fact is that right now they are more concerned about gaining market share than doing the right thing. If you are all into that, good for you, but don't get your panties in a wad if some of us don't like it. Especially since epic and sweeney have some shady ties to totalitarian governments to be concerned with too.

Its also 2019 and most people are now sensitive to what applications are doing behind their backs. Just because Origin might have done it nearly a decade ago doesn't make it right.

The fact they went around a valid api method and scrapped data directly from a private file from another application says lot about what kind of company they are. The way they went about this disrespects the consumer.
Re: Evening Interviews - Weak Selling Point
Mar 23, 2019, 10:43
Re: Evening Interviews - Weak Selling Point Mar 23, 2019, 10:43
Mar 23, 2019, 10:43
Jonjonz wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 06:35:
Anytime a "new" store opens in my neighborhood, if the most positive selling point the proprietors can put foreword is that their store "is good for competition" instead of their products value to the consumer, I pass.

Your argument sounds like it's more about the game client's value to you versus the games and the prices of those games. That's a valid gripe. But remember they just started so the EGS client will get better I'm sure. So, the fact is that competition is good for the consumer always if there is true competition.

We see that good healthy competition between AMD and Intel right now. As the EGS software gets better over time the pressure will increase on all other digital services.

This comment was edited on Mar 23, 2019, 11:14.
I'm sorry to inform the general public that vaccines DO NOT bestow upon thee eternal life. If you're around the age of 80 you need to be making your peace with God or the easter bunny. Whichever you believe in.
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 14:11
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 14:11
Mar 23, 2019, 14:11
TheEmissary wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 10:33:
Mordhaus wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 03:10:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 02:19:
Parallax Abstraction wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 21:49:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!

Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.

did you do a google search to be informed on how to do it properly or did you just bumble-"F" your way through it?

How about you do some research and find out that even if you close the service, it pulls a epic (snerk) fuckton of info each time it is force started to launch a game?


That is the same shit the Origin client did before people called them on it. Maybe instead of shilling or fanboi-ing for epic, you can help them by calling them out on their bullshit?

The simple fact is that right now they are more concerned about gaining market share than doing the right thing. If you are all into that, good for you, but don't get your panties in a wad if some of us don't like it. Especially since epic and sweeney have some shady ties to totalitarian governments to be concerned with too.

Its also 2019 and most people are now sensitive to what applications are doing behind their backs. Just because Origin might have done it nearly a decade ago doesn't make it right.

The fact they went around a valid api method and scrapped data directly from a private file from another application says lot about what kind of company they are. The way they went about this disrespects the consumer.

if you use any social media your standing up and speaking on quicksand
Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 19:02
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 19:02
Mar 23, 2019, 19:02
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 14:11:
if you use any social media your standing up and speaking on quicksand

I'm on pretty solid ground.

zero social media accounts.
proactively block social media widgets / marketing tracking / 3rd party frames and scripts
Run a hardened Linux as my surfing OS
Run through a non-logging VPN service.
Run a real firewall with non-loged secure DNS
All my phone apps (which I don't have many) are set not to access other apps nor work on cellular (Plan on buying a Librem 5 phone next)
Run my Windows 7 gaming machine offline except for game installations and game patch downloads.

So, yeah... I actually am proactive to keep as much privacy as possible.... short of running TOR and surfing the Dark web.

Is it fullproof?


But my footprint is exponentially smaller than most people's and I do find value in that. Fuck Marketers! Some of the biggest scum on the planet.

Get your games from GOG DAMMIT!
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Re: Evening Interviews
Mar 23, 2019, 20:45
Re: Evening Interviews Mar 23, 2019, 20:45
Mar 23, 2019, 20:45
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 14:11:
if you use any social media your standing up and speaking on quicksand

That's an interesting way of saying "oops, I was wrong and shouldn't have been so smug guys, sorry" you have there

You could've just started out by saying that Steam doesn't let you run most games without its wrapper too. Instead you made something up and look pretty silly now.

Getting back to the original article, I feel like hes wrong and that gamers get it. I'm not against EGS itself, just more the implementation and messaging surrounding it. They aren't exactly selling it to people and only have themselves to blame. People love Discord and GOG /shrug
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22 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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