Mordhaus wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 03:10:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 23, 2019, 02:19:
Parallax Abstraction wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 21:49:
jamiedj99 wrote on Mar 22, 2019, 20:46:
no need for links just exit the program and run your game from the short cut not sure how I can dummy it down for you. I don't have Epic Store Run in the background while I play games sold in the Epic Store. Second Be self-informed you have heard of a google search before asking a stupid question. So in the end that my final answer Bob!
Just tested this with two of the free games I got from Epic. You are wrong. Maybe do your own test before telling people to do a Google search and looking stupid.
did you do a google search to be informed on how to do it properly or did you just bumble-"F" your way through it?
How about you do some research and find out that even if you close the service, it pulls a epic (snerk) fuckton of info each time it is force started to launch a game?
That is the same shit the Origin client did before people called them on it. Maybe instead of shilling or fanboi-ing for epic, you can help them by calling them out on their bullshit?
The simple fact is that right now they are more concerned about gaining market share than doing the right thing. If you are all into that, good for you, but don't get your panties in a wad if some of us don't like it. Especially since epic and sweeney have some shady ties to totalitarian governments to be concerned with too.
Its also 2019 and most people are now sensitive to what applications are doing behind their backs. Just because Origin might have done it nearly a decade ago doesn't make it right.
The fact they went around a valid api method and scrapped data directly from a private file from another application says lot about what kind of company they are. The way they went about this disrespects the consumer.