200-Player Survival Game CryoFall Early Access Next Month

Daedalic Entertainment announces CryoFall will enter Early Access on April 3rd, offering the chance to see if you can make it through AtomicTorch Studio's upcoming multiplayer survival RPG for Windows. This supports up to 200 player games, and this trailer offers a look at its throwback graphics and play style. This is being demonstrated at PAX East and GDC, and the announcement provides lots of details to tide you over:
CryoFall drops players into the rather unsafe shoes of a spaceship crash survivor. Encountering dozens of others along the way, the aim is both to discover the hidden and mysterious story behind the planet beneath your feet, as well as - of course - navigating the many perils in your path.

Players will join servers capable of supporting up to 200 characters simultaneously, with each one evolving to create a unique world and, in turn, gameplay experience.

“We wanted to create a game where you don't just compete with other players over trivial matters like resources," reveals Valentin Gukov, CryoFall’s game designer. "With its deep features and focus on economy, agriculture, exploration, a compelling environment and more, CryoFall goes beyond that. It offers players lots of freedom on how they can interact with one another. At its core, this game is not about fighting, but creating a new world together!”

Brilliantly delivered in 2D, players can cooperate to create their own cities, establish active economies and industries, or pillage what other survivors have managed to put together.

“We’ve been impressed by CryoFall ever since we came across it,” adds Jonas Hüsges, Producer at Daedalic. “Players having the option of working with their fellow survivors or stealing what they have – all while exploring a mysterious world that slowly unveils its secrets – creates a really unique gameplay proposition which we think players are going to love.”

CryoFall features:

  • Complex crafting and industrial system, including oil refining and lithium extraction.
  • Various stages of technological progress (primitive, industrial, modern, post-modern, sci-fi).
  • Farming with complex crop growth simulation, fertilizers, etc. and diverse cooking options.
  • Wide range of player interactions and roles with specialization options emphasizing meaningful interactions rather than just combat.
  • Economy with coin minting, complex trading and automated vending machines managed by players.
  • Carefully handcrafted maps and locations (plus map editor).
  • Storyline elements discovered through exploration.
  • Diverse environments with several biomes (temperate, desert, tropical, boreal, wasteland, etc.).
  • In-house developed Renkei Engine™, allowing hundreds of players on the same server.
  • Complex character simulation with several dozens of status effects (e.g., bleeding, poisoning, radiation, etc.).
  • Extensive modding capabilities, including real-time code editing.

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Re: 200-Player Survival Game CryoFall Early Access Next Month
Mar 14, 2019, 07:13
Re: 200-Player Survival Game CryoFall Early Access Next Month Mar 14, 2019, 07:13
Mar 14, 2019, 07:13
"Players will join servers capable of supporting up to 200 characters simultaneously"
“We wanted to create a game where you don't just compete with other players"
"It offers players lots of freedom on how they can interact with one another. At its core, this game is not about fighting, but creating a new world together!"
"Players having the option of working with their fellow survivors or stealing what they have"

So, yet another game where gankers/griefers will dominate? I hope not, because it looks OK. I'll wait for the reviews though. Yea, I know, I'm a carebear :/
Despite being 5% sugar, baked beans are still the healthiest, tinned, processed food - The "Did You Know" column, The Daily Mirror, c.1980
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Mar 14, 2019Mar 14 2019
Re: 200-Player Survival Game CryoFall Early Access Next Month