I've had four Razer mice fail out of four I owned, and I only ever bought one.
Bought one. It failed after a year. I did research - known issue.
Contacted Razer. They sent me a replacement. It arrived pre-broken with the same issue.
Contacted Razer. They sent me another replacement, this time with another well-known issue right out of the box.
Contacted them again. They sent me a third replacement, accused me of being a thief, and told me they would no longer honor my warranty.
The third replacement lasted about two months before it broke with the same issue that started it all. After their accusation, I'll never own another Razer product, and any time Razer products are suggested I tell the story. Razer can burn for all I car.
For the curious: Issue #s 1, 2, and 4 were a bad left button switch that would register every click as two or three clicks. Issue #3 was an intermittent disconnect. Each issue was severe enough that the mouse was unusuable.