Apex Legends Reveal Today

The rumor that EA will today unveil a new game called Apex Legends from Respawn Entertainment is confirmed. A tweet from Vince Zampella teases the news with a trollish screenshot and a subsequent tweet tips us to tune into Twitch today at 11:00 am EST for a reveal. It is expected that this will turn out to be a battle royale game based on the mech combat of Respawn's Titanfall, and we should learn more soon enough. Word is "Our stream starts at 8am pt and we’ll tell you everything about Apex Legends. Everything." One further tweet from Vince clarifies that they won't actually get to the heart of the matter until closer to noon Pacific time, which is 3:00 pm on the east coast:
I want to clarify, 8am pst starts the @PlayApex teaser stream. It’s super cool, but it leads up to the full reveal of everything at noon. So you probably don’t have to call in sick, just fake food poisoning at lunch and go home early.
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Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today
Feb 4, 2019, 11:30
Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today Feb 4, 2019, 11:30
Feb 4, 2019, 11:30
They offered a live stream at 9am pst to tell us to be there at noon pst for the reveal. Like one of those announcement of an announcement, always a fan favorite.
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Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today
Feb 4, 2019, 10:48
Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today Feb 4, 2019, 10:48
Feb 4, 2019, 10:48
Maybe they'll make some money on this one in the Battle Royale w/ cheese market.?

..and I say that, only because I think Titanfall 2 was severely underrated.
The SP was actually good and the MP was smooth play & tight controls.
Unfortunately, I just sucked at it - wall running, vertical combat shooting, etc...etc.. I just kept getting my ass handed to me.... but they really deserved better reviews & money from that , over the garbage that COD has become in past 8 yrs. or so.

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Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today
Feb 4, 2019, 10:32
Re: Apex Legends Reveal Today Feb 4, 2019, 10:32
Feb 4, 2019, 10:32
Lol, so the stream actually starts at 12 Am. Barring unforseen consequences of which there are to be quite many.

Im sure there will be thousands in the channel unaware of the fact just sitting there biting their fingernails and spamming shit in the chat.
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