Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders

An announcement from Deep Silver on Steam reveals that Metro Exodus will be a timed exclusive for the Epic Games Store until February 14, 2020, one year after the planned February 15, 2019 release of 4A Games' first-person shooter sequel. The wrinkle with this plan is that Metro Exodus remains available for pre-purchase on Steam for the moment, and has already been preordered there by a number of customers. Preorders will end at some point today, but word is everyone that they will receive their game as expected. This is not preventing Valve from complaining about this, as they say: "We think the decision to remove the game is unfair to Steam customers, especially after a long pre-sale period. We apologize to Steam customers that were expecting it to be available for sale through the February 15th release date, but we were only recently informed of the decision and given limited time to let everyone know." Here's Deep Silver's take on the topic:
Epic Games and Deep Silver today announced a partnership that will see the digitally-distributed PC version of the highly anticipated Metro Exodus release on February 15th 2019 solely through the Epic Games store.

The ability to purchase / pre-order from Steam will soon be removed

However, any customer with an outstanding pre-order for Metro Exodus on PC through Steam will receive their game as expected.

For more information, please view our FAQ below :

I already pre-ordered Metro Exodus on Steam. What happens to my order?
Your pre-order on Steam will be honored, and you will be able to download and play Metro Exodus on release day (15th February 2019).

If I pre-ordered the Gold Edition on Steam, will I still get my future Expansion Pass on Steam?
Yes, your Expansion Pack content will become available for download via Steam, when released.

Will I still get my pre-order bonuses - the Digital Artbook and Official Soundtrack on Steam?
Yes, your pre-order bonuses will be honored and delivered by Steam.

I ordered the Standard Edition - will I be able to purchase the Expansion Pass in the future on Steam?
Yes, if you own the Standard Edition on Steam, you will be able to purchase the Expansion Pass or standalone DLC on Steam when it releases in the future.

Does the Epic Store have any exclusive or timed exclusive DLC?
No. All future DLC for Metro Exodus will be released simultaneously on all platforms.

Are there any differences in content between the version on the Epic Games store and the version on Steam?
No, they have the same pre-order bonuses and in-game content. All future title updates, patches, and free and premium DLC will be released simultaneously across both versions.

Will Metro Exodus ever return to Steam?
Yes - Metro Exodus will return to Steam and on other store fronts after 14th February 2020.
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Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 29, 2019, 00:59
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 29, 2019, 00:59
Jan 29, 2019, 00:59
ItBurn wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:04:
I'm not sure I understand why Metro decided to go with Epic store only though. Clearly they'll lose a lot of sales. Perhaps they struck a deal with Epic. I thank them for their sacrifice!

Along with the generous 12% cut, Epic Games gave Deep Silver lots of money to have an exclusive title on their Store.

Concerning their business decision, Deep Silver is thinking short term. Sure they'll make 18% more per unit sold. However, over the long run, they will lose more from the loss of tail-end revenue as long as the title remains exclusive to Epic's store. By that, I mean after the hype dies down the store's perks kick in to help drive sales. The number one driver is user base. Steam has something like 120+ MILLION registered accounts (yes, I understand there's a lot of thrash). However, according to Steam's stats, peak concurrent users in the past 48 hours was 17.5 MILLION. That's more than all consoles combined.

Further, the loss of high visibility from Discovery and Recommendations. The loss of high profile publisher store sales (the noticeable absence of Metro Exodus from their publisher sales event page). Finally, many will toss the game in their Wishlist and wait for a sale. That's not going to happen, and Deep Silver will be out all that potential income they could have made from Steam Wishlist sales (the lower the price, the more a publisher makes). To compare, during an annual meeting with investors, CD Projekt Red stated sales of The Witcher 3 have steadied and in recent years gone up. They claim to have made more money in the past years than the game's first launch year. They give thanks in part to Steam and GOG.

All the above is the 18% loss Deep Silver takes over the long term now that they're exclusive on a storefront with no real loyal shopper base. Now if Epic's exclusive deal subsidizes Deep Silvers potential losses, then it makes sense. Deep Silver believes with Epic they will make their target back faster thereby rendering Steam's long-term perks irrelevant.

At this point, Epic is just burning through their Fortnite cash to create a PC console like Xbox and Playstation quickly. The problem here is PC isn't a console. It's a platform. The only thing exclusive to PC is the operating system. Forcing exclusivity on PC gamers will engender anger. Also when the popularity of Fortnite fades - and it will - so will Epic's buying power to have exclusives. Valve will still be in a better position. Hopefully, Valve gets a clue and lowers their fees.

This comment was edited on Jan 29, 2019, 01:21.

Edit: Disregard everything I wrote.

Will Metro Exodus ever return to Steam?
Yes - Metro Exodus will return to Steam and on other store fronts after 14th February 2020.

That explains the plan. They want to go exclusive Epic to make more per sale. Then move to Steam for residual income. I guess that's an Okay move. When they come to Steam they better not charge full price. I still believe the move is going to hurt them.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 29, 2019, 00:42
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 29, 2019, 00:42
Jan 29, 2019, 00:42
necrosis wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:30:
There is an orange notice right on the steam page stating this.

Ah, that does spell it out rather well.

Valve's usually rather stoic when it comes to their storefront. Wasn't expecting them to do more than remove the pre-order button.

Begun, the PC storefront wars have.
Avatar 36713
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 29, 2019, 00:16
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 29, 2019, 00:16
Jan 29, 2019, 00:16
I still don't understand why anyone gives a shit what storefront something is offered on. Hint: they're all big corporations and none of them give a flying fuck about the consumer aside from taking your money. I get that achievements and platform are important for some people, but for a single player game if these are your priority you don't give a shit about the game really.

As for moving stores midstream that is an unfortunate fact of life, but they seem to be approaching it reasonably. In the US the price on the Epic store is $49.99 (or was when I looked earlier) which is $10 below the steam price. If you purchase directly from a storefront rather than GMG etc at a lower price as a consumer this is a benefit.

This is just another example of people getting upset for the dumbest possible reasons.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 23:37
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 23:37
Jan 28, 2019, 23:37
I can understand it is all about MONEY!! For me as well…. I will buy this game when it is BACK on Steam @ 75% discount.

Meanwhile I am still using Epic Game client as my FREE Subnautica game launcher.
“I am not a Mac user unless under duress.” - John Carmack
Avatar 58298
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 23:34
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 23:34
Jan 28, 2019, 23:34
Gaben should just threaten to delist all of Deep Silvers games on Steam.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Avatar 43041
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 23:30
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 23:30
Jan 28, 2019, 23:30
hellll, no.

Steam better fight back else we are all losing ...
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 23:23
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 23:23
Jan 28, 2019, 23:23
First Denuvo, now this. They're running out of feet to shoot.

I wasn't planning on picking this up unless it gets release on GOG anyway. I got the original Metro 2033 with a video card purchase way back, and played through it. I enjoyed it. I picked up the Redux versions some time ago, but I haven't played them yet. I guess I'll be buying Metro Exodus Redux on GOG along with Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux Redux.
"You can either want something to be true, or you can want the truth. Pick one." - Mr. Diety
Avatar 17277
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:59
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:59
Jan 28, 2019, 22:59
Well this game just got pushed back to the $10 or less bargain bin for me.

Not that I have any qualms in theory against Epic's store, but what a dick move to pull this after they had been selling it on Steam already, then to delay it for a year? Ugh.
Avatar 54863
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:56
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:56
Jan 28, 2019, 22:56
This game was looking forward to like i was Anthem...RIP on both...moving on to other better options...
I love Fortnite..keeps thy little kids out of thy good games...
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:43
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:43
Jan 28, 2019, 22:43
jacobvandy wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 22:34:
An upcoming game with no release date ...
Release date

Avatar 58135
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:35
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:35
Jan 28, 2019, 22:35
First denuvo crabs and now breaking a contract with Steam mid release, next you'll tell me they have a shit Savegame system!
Scorpio Slasher: ... What about you boy, what do hate?
Marcus: ... Bullies. Tiny d*ck egotists who hurt people for no reason, make people lock their doors at night. People who make general existence worse, people like you.
Avatar 1858
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:34
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:34
Jan 28, 2019, 22:34
The timing on this one is really shitty... An upcoming game with no release date and no availability deciding to switch over and become an Epic exclusive is one thing, but reaping pre-orders for 5 1/2 months and then jumping ship three weeks before it's out is just gross. Screw Epic for poaching and screw Deep Silver for pulling the rug out from under a lot of people, including myself (was planning on a Steam key from GMG).

Also, Deep Silver has deleted and re-posted their announcement on Steam at least once, to flush out all the shit they're catching for this from the comments.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 22:22
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 22:22
Jan 28, 2019, 22:22
heroin wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 21:21:
2% in my mind would be fair.
Yeah, that would pay for the bandwidth when tens of thousands of people download the latest 60 gigabyte game, or 3-4 of them. And it leaves plenty leftover for the server farms, employee health insurance, marketing, programmers, accounting department, payroll, retirement, taxes etc ... .. ...
What's leftover could be donated to charities and reinvested into the company. A totes malotes win win.

ha haha hahahahaha
Avatar 58135
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 21:29
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 21:29
Jan 28, 2019, 21:29
Can you refund the game if you don't like it on Epic's store?

EDIT: looks like you can but you have to open a ticket with their customer support to do it

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 2019, 21:57.
I pwnz j00!
Avatar 8127
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 21:21
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 21:21
Jan 28, 2019, 21:21
Yah, that sucks. But, I think really Steam ought to stop gouging developers because all of these companies are trying to DIY the Steam thing now and consumers suffer with the inconvenience.

30% is absolutely ridiculous, 15% is absolutely ridiculous - too; 2-3% in my mind would be fair. I mean then the developers probably want to shell out for Steam advertising and that probably costs a shit load too and it really doesn't seem like Valve do much except sit on their asses not making games and swimming in their gold cash swimming pools like Scrooge McDuck.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 21:02
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 21:02
Jan 28, 2019, 21:02
ItBurn wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:04:
I'm not sure I understand why Metro decided to go with Epic store only though.

Because Epic gave them a big sack of cash.

Clearly they'll lose a lot of sales.


Perhaps they struck a deal with Epic.


I thank them for their sacrifice!

What sacrifice? If they thought they weren't going to come out ahead with this deal they wouldn't have done it. Epic probably came to them and said "We'll give you 2 million sales worth in cold hard cash if you become an exclusive." And Deep Silver said " Drool Drool BarreueueehehEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Drool Drool " or something to that effect.
Avatar 15604
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 20:33
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 20:33
Jan 28, 2019, 20:33
CJ_Parker wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:22:
ItBurn wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:04:
I'm not sure I understand why Metro decided to go with Epic store only though. Clearly they'll lose a lot of sales. Perhaps they struck a deal with Epic.

First sentence of the news, dude...

Epic Games and Deep Silver today announced a partnership...

Of course there's a deal and it must have been tempting enough for Deep Silver to pull off this stunt.

Going by the comments on other forums they must have made a fortune today because a gazillion idiots rushed to Steam to squeeze in their last minute $60 preorder.

A genius move by Deep Silver. They probably made more money today alone than they will ever lose in the next 12 months of Epic exclusivity.
When this news rolled out a few of the twitch streams I was watching had their chat say they were beelining to the steam store to preorder.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 20:30
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 20:30
Jan 28, 2019, 20:30
Drayth wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 19:30:
Really dumb considering it's all but still there on Steam, they're just turning off the store front for a while.

That'll confuse the fuck out of everyone who doesn't follow sites like this one.
There is an orange notice right on the steam page stating this.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 20:22
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 20:22
Jan 28, 2019, 20:22
ItBurn wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:04:
I'm not sure I understand why Metro decided to go with Epic store only though. Clearly they'll lose a lot of sales. Perhaps they struck a deal with Epic.

First sentence of the news, dude...

Epic Games and Deep Silver today announced a partnership...

Of course there's a deal and it must have been tempting enough for Deep Silver to pull off this stunt.

Going by the comments on other forums they must have made a fortune today because a gazillion idiots rushed to Steam to squeeze in their last minute $60 preorder.

A genius move by Deep Silver. They probably made more money today alone than they will ever lose in the next 12 months of Epic exclusivity.
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders
Jan 28, 2019, 20:07
Re: Metro Exodus an Epic Store Exclusive - What This Means for Steam Preorders Jan 28, 2019, 20:07
Jan 28, 2019, 20:07
ItBurn wrote on Jan 28, 2019, 20:04:
Perhaps they struck a deal with Epic. I thank them for their sacrifice!
That's also what I think, Epic want users to quickly adopt their store and they know Metro: Exodus would be a hit so I would not be surprised that they have a better deal than 88% this time only.
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