We're adding more server capacity to the #Anthem demo right now. Hang tight while we work to get everyone into the game.
We're looking into the infinite loading issue with the #AnthemGame demo. In the meantime, try relaunching the game and rejoining your mission to see if that helps you.
Slick wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:13:
I can't remember if The Division's open beta was this bad, but its launch was this bad. At least I think they had a server queue at launch.
I never play MMOs so this whole "servers full" thing is odd to me.
And I can finally talk about the game!
It's.... okay!
The combat is better than I thought it would be, but pretty familiar. Once you figure out and remap the awful default keybindings on PC, it becomes a lot more fun. Get a dedicated "hover" button that's easy to reach.
The PC port in general is pretty fucking awful. No FOV slider, and it's locked to like 45. So keep your vomit bag at the ready. And there's this super weird laggy unresponsive mouse movement that is just dogshit. It feels like my mouse is emulating a controller analog stick, but they just ramped up the precision and sample rate so it's mostly invisible... but it just feels so off.
The UI is also a hot mess.
Other than that, I finished the first mission, it had a neat ending. The cutscene felt like Bioware. Honestly I kinda got sad that I had to go back out and play more boarderlands before i got to see more... I wish they'd do a remaster of Dragon Age Origins... That game was so damned good.
But give it a chance, if you enjoy the combat and don't care about PvP, it might be a winner for you. Because you get the Bioware world-building and actually interesting lore. From my playthrough of the Alpha and this demo, the Alpha had more world building, and I think more "codex" things to find to actually explain what is going on. I guess they're going light on that for the demo? Maybe I just haven't gotten to it yet? I just remember being very pleantly surprised to find my curiosity growing about this world, when at a glance it's easy to dismiss as action sci-fi schlock a-la Destiny.
eRe4s3r wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:37:
Sorry for sniping 1 thing, but fov 45? You sure about that? Because I'd need a bucket and not just a bag at 45, that'd be like ramming your face directly into the screen. Heck, not even ADS in iron sighting (ie, zooming in) uses 45° fov without blacking or blurring out the edges because it robs you off so much peripheral view that it makes anyone with that problem instantly sick.
So maybe better I don't even bother with the demo then.
RaZ0r! wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 20:05:
I had no trouble getting in the game, but I played one mission and I was out. Very boring and generic. It just screams "I wish I was Destiny.".
There are so many post-effect filters in play that everything is very blurry even at 1440p. Nothing about the demo and that first mission made me want to explore that world any further.
It doesn't help that I don't like third person shooters anyways. If I was going to spend time in a MMO shooter, it would be Destiny 2 over Anthem no question.
Try it out though, it might be your cup of tea.
robdot wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 20:37:
Yet another "game" who's sole intent and design is to tunnel everyone to the online store. Games should reward the player,for playing,,,,not buying. And of course it will take 6 months of patches before any of it functions,,,except the online store.
NKD wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:13:
Got a VIP demo invite from a friend and got right in, haven't had much time to play yet, but the game seems to run pretty well and is gorgeous. Can't say much about the gameplay. I blasted a few baddies and did a couple quests. Traversal is fun. Gunplay feels snappy and responsive compared to what I was expecting.