We're adding more server capacity to the #Anthem demo right now. Hang tight while we work to get everyone into the game.
We're looking into the infinite loading issue with the #AnthemGame demo. In the meantime, try relaunching the game and rejoining your mission to see if that helps you.
eRe4s3r wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 11:51:https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Glossary:Field_of_view_(FOV)Slick wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 09:57:jacobvandy wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:51:eRe4s3r wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:37:
Sorry for sniping 1 thing, but fov 45? You sure about that? Because I'd need a bucket and not just a bag at 45, that'd be like ramming your face directly into the screen. Heck, not even ADS in iron sighting (ie, zooming in) uses 45° fov without blacking or blurring out the edges because it robs you off so much peripheral view that it makes anyone with that problem instantly sick.
So maybe better I don't even bother with the demo then.
If that number is correct, I'm sure it's vertical FOV, which a lot of games reference instead of horizontal. 45 vertical is 72 horizontal.
Oh that was just hyperbole from me. I think it's 55-60 uhhh vertical? which is usually what console games have by default, I think? I'm not an expert. I usually play @ 88 in games, is that vertical? Honestly I don't fucking know. The game is just using an unmodifiable telephoto lens that makes me want to puke.
Since this is clearly confusing for everyone
Fov 60 is hor+ and the standard, and I assume that's what they use in this game too. Hor+ means horizontally scaled, but vertically locked. Fov of 60 is what PC gamers lovingly call the bucket fov.
Vertical fov is never even mentioned because that's not what changes when you change FOV.