Some random jumbled thoughts after playing through the demo twice with a group of friends.
- Feels more like a beta than a demo. Not because of stability (not a single crash) but because it feels a bit... Unfinished.
- Gameplay as a whole is better than I thought after seeing vids, but the *gunplay* sucks. Skills/spells/whatever is where it's at for doing damage, the guns are just pea-shooters.
- Mouse & keyboard controls for flying are almost insultingly bad, especially under water. Pretty much every preview mentioned this, but I had to try it before realizing just how bad. The fact that they think this is OK for release is surprising to me, and probably indicative of the attention the PC version is getting...
- Haven't seen menus this bad in a while. Just one hour in, managing your inventory etc. is already starting to feel a bit nightmare'ish. Ripped straight from the console version with rudimentary PC input on top.
Finally, the way dialog/back to town stuff between missions is handled, makes for a terrible co-op experience:
- You're ALL stuck in town until the last slow-poke clicks ready. You can't mess around, shoot trash mobs or grab some collectibles. You HAVE to wait in menus or tinker with load-outs until the whole party is ready to go out again.
- Your friends that haven't seen a particular cut scene yet get to feel like they're making everyone else wait (and they totally are). You're more likely to skip all dialog than listen to it.
- Conversely, the people waiting this out for the n-th time will be there to ruin New Guy(tm)'s cut scenes with discord chatter.
- Having to walk everywhere in this space just sucks. It's like Everyone's Gone To The Rapture again.