I'd be careful to judge the game by the demo. When even EA/Bio admit that the demo was changed massively from the "real" game then you should know to be wary.
For one, according to reports, the demo was simplified and made considerably easier, i.e. no/less grind in the demo compared to the real game. You will most likely spend a few dozen hours in the full game before you get to the same level of "kewl shit" equipment/skills etc. as the demo content.
I mean, when even EA/Bio themselves are warning people because of the demo vs. real game discrepancies then you only have yourself to blame if you preoder or buy on release.
It is amazing that veteran gamers like y'all here keep falling for the latest AAA hype again and again and again and again... even when EA is involved and when there are
HUGE RED FLAGS all over the place.
Oh well, it will be fun watching all the whining and squirming on release though so buy, buy, buy, please!