Anthem Demo Issues

VG247 reports on the issues many players are experiencing trying to access the VIP demo for Anthem, BioWare's upcoming mech action/RPG. EA Help offers this tweet and this one to explain what they're doing about it:
We're adding more server capacity to the #Anthem demo right now. Hang tight while we work to get everyone into the game.

We're looking into the infinite loading issue with the #AnthemGame demo. In the meantime, try relaunching the game and rejoining your mission to see if that helps you.
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52 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 2.
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Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:53
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:53
Jan 26, 2019, 10:53
Like I said, that's a 3x spread that won't be known until it went live. Each VIP person that has access confirmed CAN give away 3xc keys, but i'm sure many don't even know that they can.

Whatever, I'm not defeinding the flaming dumpster fire that was yesterdays demo launch, I'm just saying it's not as cut-and-dry as you're making it.

A) The number of potential players COULD have been up to 3x higher than what they knew was "confirmed".

B) The "confirmed" number of players wasn't even that, as there's no way to know now many people who pre-ordered would actually play the demo, and if they'd do it all at the same time or not.

I just don't understand how a company as big as EA doesn't just have access to rolling fields of server farms that they can configure and switch on at a whim, or siphon resources from other game s that aren't using capacity at the moment. I know it's a bean-counter game, as if you put 3x more servers online as needed, and especially if you're paying some 3rd party for them, then that will hurt their pocketbook. They're thinking like price is right rules, as close to the actual number without going over lol.
Avatar 57545
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:41
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:41
Jan 26, 2019, 10:41
Slick wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 09:54:
Creston wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 00:59:
Publishers... Rolleyes

This demo was for pre-orders and Origin Premiere members. As in, you literally knew down to the SINGLE DIGIT how many people could be logging in. And still it's the "WE HAD NO IDEA DEMAND WOULD BE THIS HIGH! WE'RE ADDING SERVERS RIGHT NOW!" bullshit.

Stop fucking lying and admit you're just cheap pieces of shit, EA.

Ideally, publishers want 50 million people to buy their game while they put up exactly one server, and then everyone just queues to play for 3000 hours, while being served ads. (Some EA shitheel just read this comment and jizzed all over himself at the mere thought.)

Actually, for every one of those people, they EACH got 3x giveaway VIP codes to give to friends. And they would have no idea how many of those would get used until the game went live. So a 300% spread on total server capacity, plus the usual headaches of everyone trying to log in at once, when normally it's spread out a bit more through the day.

Still an awful experience, and a terrible first impression. But they didn't know %100 exactly how many people would log in. Also, if you pre-ordered the game, maybe you honestly didn't give a shit about some gimped demo that wasn't using the final code of the game? I have friends that don't touch betas for that reason. If they know they wanna play it, they'll wait till it's done. Same reason they don't touch early access titles until they're finished.

you're kidding right? Keys are not unlimited. Even a monkey can count what is the max no of players.
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:39
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:39
Jan 26, 2019, 10:39
i only care for one question: is it a proper rpg?
sad that Andromeda was butchered for this

Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:25
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:25
Jan 26, 2019, 10:25
It looks fun from what I've been watching, but I'm not totally into these games like Division and Destiny. I am building a new computer in Q2 though and getting a 2080 Ti - if they still offer Anthem as redeemable at that time then I might as well give it a shot.
Avatar 37119
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:19
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:19
Jan 26, 2019, 10:19
VaranDragon wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 09:30:
SabreT wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 08:36:
Glad I didn't pay for this trash. Haven't played a game in years where the character controls feel this sluggish. Gunplay is terrible, load screens that takes forever after almost each fight. If the game isn't installed on a SSD it doesn't load into levels, it gets stuck at 90% and you have to alt f4. Mouse and keyboard seems like a afterthought. The UI and menus were designed by somebody that has never played a game in their life. You cant disable motion blur unless you change about 8 things in the .ini file. The voice chatter sounds like everybody bought mics from bestbuy and then added a static filter on top of that to make it even worse. Network code is very bad, almost looks like it uses p2p when you join a random that has a bad ping you rubberband all over the place. Avoid this like the plague.

These are pretty much all technical issues. I can live with those if the underlying gameplay is good. So I guess my question is, for those that have managed to get it to run, is the underlying gameplay good? Is it another aRPG lite or are the game systems and the leveling sick? is the writing good, the story? Is the AI challenging? Are the missions varied and fun or is it just a pointless grind?

All of these can be combined into one question really? Is the game fun?

Starting at the end... Yes, I found the game fun... But for only a few of the reasons you called out...

I like the underlying gameplay... I love mobility, and Anthem has a good amount... Flying isn't just for getting to missions... Shit can be used mid boss fight, and like I mentioned previously... The Storm has a 'super' hover mode that lets you rain down shit on enemies... (The counter being, ranged enemies will have an easy slow-moving target).

I'd call it an aRPG lite... You collect loot and xp as you go, but only see it after leaving the mission/free-roam modes, and then use another UI to handle it...

There's not much writing in the demo, but I'm enjoying what little, and disjointed, story is in there... But I liked Diablo 3's story immensely, so maybe our story opinions will differ ; )

The AI is challenging because it hurts, especially when you get 3 big guys, and a dozen little guys blasting you in a tiny little hallways... I haven't seen the AI do anything more than basic 'follow and shoot' though, and I can call out a lot of places where it does only that... I hadn't really thought about this until your question, but to inevitably compare it to Destiny, where mobs will hide behind shit, especially when their shield goes down, I saw nothing but very basic AI/Pathing so far.

The demo has a few story missions, a stronghold, and 'free roam'... Can't really say if it'll be varied and fun or pointless grind, but assuming I can extrapolate fairly, it looks like you'll unlock Javelins as you level, and your level isn't tied to any of them specifically, but the items that they equip is what determines their power level. Weapons can be shared of course, but I think that was it, as all the other stuff is Javelin specific. This'll mean a bunch of grind to catch up the other Javelins, but whether it feels like grind depends on what content becomes available at that point... Strongholds are basically dungeons, which can be fun a few times... Free roam has some random, very sparse so far, events... Missions will hopefully be plentiful all the way around.
Avatar 22996
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:15
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:15
Jan 26, 2019, 10:15
Also speaking of the 3x friend passes to give away, I have 2x left. I was gonna give them away on my stream, but I got shit to do this weekend, so I'll give it away here. First come first served. I don't know how it works, they just give me a link, good luck!
Avatar 57545
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 10:09
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 10:09
Jan 26, 2019, 10:09
SabreT wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 09:42:

These are pretty much all technical issues. I can live with those if the underlying gameplay is good. So I guess my question is, for those that have managed to get it to run, is the underlying gameplay good? Is it another aRPG lite or are the game systems and the leveling sick? is the writing good, the story? Is the AI challenging? Are the missions varied and fun or is it just a pointless grind?

All of these can be combined into one question really? Is the game fun?

If the character control issues are fixed I think the story could be fun to play. Not sure about the grind, they have changed allot of mechanics for the demo so I have no idea how the actual game's grind will be.

Yeah, if they fix the PC experience, this will be fun and worthwhile IMO. There's no way that will happen at launch. Shit, I still remember playing Watch Dogs 1 on PC, and to this day they still haven't fixed the awful mouse controls.

I used to have a "Splitfish FragFX" Controller for my PS3 console. It was a mouse and left joystick combo that would be recognized by the console. It was the first of it's kind, and it did give me an unfair advantage in shooters. But the experience was still dogshit compared to native PC mouse support. Because it was doing like an A/D conversion taking the mouse movements, then applying them to a joystick, because all the game was built to understand was analog controller movements. I get the same vibe from the mouse controls in this game, like the same shit is going on under the hood, only it's got alot of smoothing filters to try and mask the effect. It almost works, but there's this icky residue of consolitis. I remember how that frag FX mouse felt, this is the same shit. Same with Watch Dogs 1. The mouse is emulating a controller.

Also, Ai was acceptably challenging but didn't have the same feeling as The Division where they seem to be able to waypoint script the enemy movements using cover etc. These open-world games always see AI taking a shit when there's a billion possible moves they can make. Just look at Mass Effect Andromeda. The Multiplayers in ME:A was really really tight, the AI had great pathing, flanks, they suppressed you while their allies moved up, it was really impressive. But then you jump into the open-world where no scripting exists, and the AI has to "fend for themselves" and creatures just kinda wander around aimlessly until they see you, then they just come right at you, or shoot you while strafing slightly... I don't know any game that's figured out true open-world AI yet...

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Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 09:57
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 09:57
Jan 26, 2019, 09:57
jacobvandy wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:51:
eRe4s3r wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:37:
Sorry for sniping 1 thing, but fov 45? You sure about that? Because I'd need a bucket and not just a bag at 45, that'd be like ramming your face directly into the screen. Heck, not even ADS in iron sighting (ie, zooming in) uses 45° fov without blacking or blurring out the edges because it robs you off so much peripheral view that it makes anyone with that problem instantly sick.

So maybe better I don't even bother with the demo then.

If that number is correct, I'm sure it's vertical FOV, which a lot of games reference instead of horizontal. 45 vertical is 72 horizontal.

Oh that was just hyperbole from me. I think it's 55-60 uhhh vertical? which is usually what console games have by default, I think? I'm not an expert. I usually play @ 88 in games, is that vertical? Honestly I don't fucking know. The game is just using an unmodifiable telephoto lens that makes me want to puke.
Avatar 57545
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 09:54
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 09:54
Jan 26, 2019, 09:54
Creston wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 00:59:
Publishers... Rolleyes

This demo was for pre-orders and Origin Premiere members. As in, you literally knew down to the SINGLE DIGIT how many people could be logging in. And still it's the "WE HAD NO IDEA DEMAND WOULD BE THIS HIGH! WE'RE ADDING SERVERS RIGHT NOW!" bullshit.

Stop fucking lying and admit you're just cheap pieces of shit, EA.

Ideally, publishers want 50 million people to buy their game while they put up exactly one server, and then everyone just queues to play for 3000 hours, while being served ads. (Some EA shitheel just read this comment and jizzed all over himself at the mere thought.)

Actually, for every one of those people, they EACH got 3x giveaway VIP codes to give to friends. And they would have no idea how many of those would get used until the game went live. So a 300% spread on total server capacity, plus the usual headaches of everyone trying to log in at once, when normally it's spread out a bit more through the day.

Still an awful experience, and a terrible first impression. But they didn't know %100 exactly how many people would log in. Also, if you pre-ordered the game, maybe you honestly didn't give a shit about some gimped demo that wasn't using the final code of the game? I have friends that don't touch betas for that reason. If they know they wanna play it, they'll wait till it's done. Same reason they don't touch early access titles until they're finished.
Avatar 57545
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 09:42
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 09:42
Jan 26, 2019, 09:42

These are pretty much all technical issues. I can live with those if the underlying gameplay is good. So I guess my question is, for those that have managed to get it to run, is the underlying gameplay good? Is it another aRPG lite or are the game systems and the leveling sick? is the writing good, the story? Is the AI challenging? Are the missions varied and fun or is it just a pointless grind?

All of these can be combined into one question really? Is the game fun?

If the character control issues are fixed I think the story could be fun to play. Not sure about the grind, they have changed allot of mechanics for the demo so I have no idea how the actual game's grind will be.
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 09:30
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 09:30
Jan 26, 2019, 09:30
SabreT wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 08:36:
Glad I didn't pay for this trash. Haven't played a game in years where the character controls feel this sluggish. Gunplay is terrible, load screens that takes forever after almost each fight. If the game isn't installed on a SSD it doesn't load into levels, it gets stuck at 90% and you have to alt f4. Mouse and keyboard seems like a afterthought. The UI and menus were designed by somebody that has never played a game in their life. You cant disable motion blur unless you change about 8 things in the .ini file. The voice chatter sounds like everybody bought mics from bestbuy and then added a static filter on top of that to make it even worse. Network code is very bad, almost looks like it uses p2p when you join a random that has a bad ping you rubberband all over the place. Avoid this like the plague.

These are pretty much all technical issues. I can live with those if the underlying gameplay is good. So I guess my question is, for those that have managed to get it to run, is the underlying gameplay good? Is it another aRPG lite or are the game systems and the leveling sick? is the writing good, the story? Is the AI challenging? Are the missions varied and fun or is it just a pointless grind?

All of these can be combined into one question really? Is the game fun?
Avatar 58327
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 09:25
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 09:25
Jan 26, 2019, 09:25
So far, I’ve CTD’d six times without shooting a single bullet. I can absolutely replicate it by simply switching graphic presents down a step from Ultra to High (two of the crashes). It complains, at that point, that I don’t have enough video memory and my card needs at least 512mb. Apparently the GTX1080 doesn’t actually have 8gb onboard?

The third and fifth crash pulled a hard lock on my rig, both were while trying to just load up the first mission. Now, I AM running on an ultrawide screen with HDR enabled. There’s absolutely no settings for HDR in-game, so I’m not sure if it’s even using it. I didn’t notice any difference whatsoever with it on or off in the main commons area, so maybe the demo doesn’t support it?

If I run in Borderless mode, the game is so dark I can only make out the faintest details. If Fullscreen, it look fine.

ANY transition load between the main hub and the combat areas causes a CTD.

Edit: my final crash: I finally fired a bullet. One. One bullet and as the muzzle flash flared, the game froze and CTD.

This is why I don’t preorder games. Yes, I updated my video drivers. I turned off HDR. None of it matters. The game is as unstable as a 15 year old girl.

This comment was edited on Jan 26, 2019, 09:44.
Avatar 15603
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 08:47
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 08:47
Jan 26, 2019, 08:47
NKD wrote on Jan 25, 2019, 18:13:
Got a VIP demo invite from a friend and got right in, haven't had much time to play yet, but the game seems to run pretty well and is gorgeous. Can't say much about the gameplay. I blasted a few baddies and did a couple quests. Traversal is fun. Gunplay feels snappy and responsive compared to what I was expecting.

Don’t know if it was intentional, but this review reads like a EA plant. Nice.
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 08:36
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 08:36
Jan 26, 2019, 08:36
Glad I didn't pay for this trash. Haven't played a game in years where the character controls feel this sluggish. Gunplay is terrible, load screens that takes forever after almost each fight. If the game isn't installed on a SSD it doesn't load into levels, it gets stuck at 90% and you have to alt f4. Mouse and keyboard seems like a afterthought. The UI and menus were designed by somebody that has never played a game in their life. You cant disable motion blur unless you change about 8 things in the .ini file. The voice chatter sounds like everybody bought mics from bestbuy and then added a static filter on top of that to make it even worse. Network code is very bad, almost looks like it uses p2p when you join a random that has a bad ping you rubberband all over the place. Avoid this like the plague.

This comment was edited on Jan 26, 2019, 08:49.
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 03:48
El Pit
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 03:48
Jan 26, 2019, 03:48
 El Pit
When the free demo gets available, the servers should be going down in flames and smoke if EA does not add a lot more servers to the backbone... Oh my. If EA wants to give a good first impression, they will have to act QUICKLY. Before next weekend, or the "experience" will hurt sales.

I don't want to see Bioware go down like this. They should get at least a chance to fight. EA - DO SOMETHING!
In the current political and social climate, don't be an aggressive monkey . Show that you have evolved that important thin sugar coating called civilization. Don't fall for the fools.
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 02:21
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 02:21
Jan 26, 2019, 02:21
Well... It definitely feels more like a beta than a demo... Hopefully that day 1 patch can fix most of the major issues (that aren't design based, of which, there are a bunch)...

Enjoying it overall though... A lot of variety in attacks for the Ranger and Storm, and I'm loving me some rapid fire Sniper Rifle action... Kept ignoring the Shotgun until I got a Blue/Rare one a few lvls higher than the rest, so tried it out, and holy shit, so bad... Except on the boss fight at the end of the stronghold, in which case, hovering + shooting the boss in the ass with the shotgun worked really well.

And one of those design issues... Can't modify your loadout without loading back to 'town'... Like... WTF... Especially shitty while learning everything and trying new skills and weapons... Most of which are cool, but some feel shitty, and it's so much more time/effort switching that out than was needed...

Had one interesting bug where I got the xp for level 12 (second Javelin unlock) after grinding a bunch, which I had to do in Public, even though free roam public's design is also pure shit (for so many reasons)... I exited, which is when you get your XP (another odd design, especially considering you can lose a bunch of XP if you crash or get DC'd, which is very likely at this point), and it gave me the 'new Javelin' page, but then didn't award the XP, so I had to go back into free play again, and then exit again, and luckily I was 12, and able to try the Storm Javelin, which is neat, but so squishy...

Anyhow... I enjoyed it enough that I'll hopefully see some improvements next week, and then decide whether I should buy it.
Avatar 22996
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 02:21
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 02:21
Jan 26, 2019, 02:21

Carmack Screwed us!
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug
He screwed us good...
Quakeworld ring a bell?
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug
Grape wine in a Mason jar...
wheres that bucket of tar?
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug
Carmack Screwed us!
and then he fucking doed us...
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug
He screwed us on Doom 2...
and on quakeworld too...
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug..
Quake 2 we were hitting the weed
Then he gave the dick to steed...
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug...
Took the cash from our pockets
Wasted the money on rockets
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug...
Carmack Screwed us!
chug-a-lug ... chug-a-lug
He screwed us good
Avatar 8515
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 02:06
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 02:06
Jan 26, 2019, 02:06
This "VIP demo" is test code from a month ago. They didn't put enough servers up so it would start in the morning. this code is being fixed, as it isn't the game anymore, so the issues aren't connected to the current code base that is the retail game.

The idea should have been a good demo that would get people interested in buying the game. Instead, it a piece of shit candy they found in the couch, spat on it to get the fluff off, and put it out to people as a bonus for pre ordering.

Once you get past the bullshit not enough servers issue, the code itself is unstable. it hangs all the time so its a bitch to complete the large missions and gain the XP for playing. i've thrown away more runs because the game hangs and you lose the xp earned.

But i should have remembered the lessons of the past. This one gets EA another vote for worst customer service company on the entire planet. Greedy mother fuckers
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 26, 2019, 00:59
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 26, 2019, 00:59
Jan 26, 2019, 00:59
Publishers... Rolleyes

This demo was for pre-orders and Origin Premiere members. As in, you literally knew down to the SINGLE DIGIT how many people could be logging in. And still it's the "WE HAD NO IDEA DEMAND WOULD BE THIS HIGH! WE'RE ADDING SERVERS RIGHT NOW!" bullshit.

Stop fucking lying and admit you're just cheap pieces of shit, EA.

Ideally, publishers want 50 million people to buy their game while they put up exactly one server, and then everyone just queues to play for 3000 hours, while being served ads. (Some EA shitheel just read this comment and jizzed all over himself at the mere thought.)
Avatar 15604
Re: Anthem Demo Issues
Jan 25, 2019, 23:15
Re: Anthem Demo Issues Jan 25, 2019, 23:15
Jan 25, 2019, 23:15
Better fix those issues before I get my chance next week!
Avatar 16605
52 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 2.
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