VaranDragon wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 09:30:
SabreT wrote on Jan 26, 2019, 08:36:
Glad I didn't pay for this trash. Haven't played a game in years where the character controls feel this sluggish. Gunplay is terrible, load screens that takes forever after almost each fight. If the game isn't installed on a SSD it doesn't load into levels, it gets stuck at 90% and you have to alt f4. Mouse and keyboard seems like a afterthought. The UI and menus were designed by somebody that has never played a game in their life. You cant disable motion blur unless you change about 8 things in the .ini file. The voice chatter sounds like everybody bought mics from bestbuy and then added a static filter on top of that to make it even worse. Network code is very bad, almost looks like it uses p2p when you join a random that has a bad ping you rubberband all over the place. Avoid this like the plague.
These are pretty much all technical issues. I can live with those if the underlying gameplay is good. So I guess my question is, for those that have managed to get it to run, is the underlying gameplay good? Is it another aRPG lite or are the game systems and the leveling sick? is the writing good, the story? Is the AI challenging? Are the missions varied and fun or is it just a pointless grind?
All of these can be combined into one question really? Is the game fun?
Starting at the end... Yes, I found the game fun... But for only a few of the reasons you called out...
I like the underlying gameplay... I love mobility, and Anthem has a good amount... Flying isn't just for getting to missions... Shit can be used mid boss fight, and like I mentioned previously... The Storm has a 'super' hover mode that lets you rain down shit on enemies... (The counter being, ranged enemies will have an easy slow-moving target).
I'd call it an aRPG lite... You collect loot and xp as you go, but only see it after leaving the mission/free-roam modes, and then use another UI to handle it...
There's not much writing in the demo, but I'm enjoying what little, and disjointed, story is in there... But I liked Diablo 3's story immensely, so maybe our story opinions will differ ; )
The AI is challenging because it hurts, especially when you get 3 big guys, and a dozen little guys blasting you in a tiny little hallways... I haven't seen the AI do anything more than basic 'follow and shoot' though, and I can call out a lot of places where it does only that... I hadn't really thought about this until your question, but to inevitably compare it to Destiny, where mobs will hide behind shit, especially when their shield goes down, I saw nothing but very basic AI/Pathing so far.
The demo has a few story missions, a stronghold, and 'free roam'... Can't really say if it'll be varied and fun or pointless grind, but assuming I can extrapolate fairly, it looks like you'll unlock Javelins as you level, and your level isn't tied to any of them specifically, but the items that they equip is what determines their power level. Weapons can be shared of course, but I think that was it, as all the other stuff is Javelin specific. This'll mean a bunch of grind to catch up the other Javelins, but whether it feels like grind depends on what content becomes available at that point... Strongholds are basically dungeons, which can be fun a few times... Free roam has some random, very sparse so far, events... Missions will hopefully be plentiful all the way around.