The shooting happened at the GLHF Game Bar, which was hosting a tournament that viewers could watch on Twitch, a gaming network owned by Amazon.
A video clip shared on Twitter, which has since been taken down, showed the football video game Madden on a television screen.
Someone playing as the Atlanta Falcons appeared to have scored, and was kicking off. Tournament commentators remarked that the players were so good that it would not be easy to knock anyone out of the tournament.
Then the sound of gunfire begins. Several shots are heard, one after another.
“Run run run run run pass run run run,” one viewer said in a comment stream.
Then as the shots sound, commenters repeatedly said “oh my god.”
“Is there a shooting?” a viewer asked.
“That’s a gun,” said another.
The video then cut off.
CNN's report on the news includes the video from the live feed, with the
obvious warning that this is disturbing.
Update 2:
Subsequent reporting details the casualties, saying three are dead,
including the shooter, and that nine are wounded. The gunman reportedly took his
own life.
SlimRam wrote on Aug 26, 2018, 18:11:
You can't call yourself a hardcore gamer if you quit playing just because of a mass shooting.