jamiedj99 wrote on Nov 6, 2017, 23:56:
lol got it free but in my uplay list it tells me I can preload the game but cant play it till its released. I smell some shit somewhere here
Agent.X7 wrote on Nov 6, 2017, 21:01:
The game that runs like crap on any PC, no matter how beefy! I got it on Steam sale last year and my PC won't even run it at a decent fps, even though it way exceeds the recommended specs.
rawbelly wrote on Nov 6, 2017, 22:26:
Just finished off my Ryzen build. Not sure I'm even going to install Uplay or Orgin this time around. I have that fresh I-just-had-a-nice-shave-and-a-shower feeling.
Agent.X7 wrote on Nov 6, 2017, 21:01:
The game that runs like crap on any PC, no matter how beefy! I got it on Steam sale last year and my PC won't even run it at a decent fps, even though it way exceeds the recommended specs.