Blue wrote on Nov 1, 2017, 12:07:Just comedy ala John Oliver style wrote on Nov 1, 2017, 10:40:
That's the fourth time you've trotted out that hashtag for this story. I'm curious about what you intend it to say.
MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 22:50:Professional sailors have said that on a boat that size it would be nice to have 3 experienced sailors. One of those ladies stated that she knew nothing about sailing.RedEye9 wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 20:38:
Women rescued by Navy defend their account of ordeal at sea Reads like a tRump tweet.
#sailing #feminism
Well, that whole story is sad. People panic under stress, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but mistake after mistake. They even got rescued BEFORE the coast guard by a fishing vessel?! They had an EPIRB and never turned it on?! Whatever, now they're safe, and they should probably get a bill from the Navy, but it'd probably be too much negative press to be worth it.
I get the sense they aren't exactly experienced sailors either, but who knows. Three news stories about this is probably at least 2 too many already.
RedEye9 wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 20:38:
Women rescued by Navy defend their account of ordeal at sea Reads like a tRump tweet.
#sailing #feminism
NKD wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 18:08:I've read several articles over the past few years about how X or Y was producing ZZ% more methane waste than they thought: livestock, the petroleum industry, landfills, etc. I'm sure that we're on the brink of another one of these "revelations." It's just so obvious that we're creating a positive feedback loop, especially with the Canadian and Russian tundra, that it's going to be basically impossible to put the brakes on the GW train.jdreyer wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 15:21:
Scientists can't explain a 'worrying' rise in methane levels.
Gee, I wonder what it could be.
Uh, I imagine the idea here is that it increased more than they projected, rather than that they are surprised methane is being produced.
jdreyer wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 15:21:
Scientists can't explain a 'worrying' rise in methane levels.
Gee, I wonder what it could be.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 12:32:
It's getting pretty weird, could totally see this as a couple crazies looking for their fifteen minutes of fame and profit type of affair.
You would think they would have planned their story better..
Retired wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 14:39:
Steam Link arrived from the crazy $1.00 deal - didn't think that would go through, but it is here and eager to try it out. I will currently try it over wireless, as the contractor hasn't been here yet to wire the whole house up.
RedEye9 wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 12:15:RedEye9 wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 10:28:Not beating a dead horse because this horse ain't dead, yet.
The drifting women story keeps getting weirder. They also had a sat phone but dropped it in the water. Yeah right.
Is this a social media publicity stunt, a book writing deal or a movie rights funding scam.
#rescue #feminism
In this video Jennifer Appel says "Had they not been able to locate us we would have been dead in 24 hours."
Whereas the Follow-Up link blue posted has this: “We asked why during this course of time did they not activate the EPIRB. She had stated they never felt like they were truly in distress, like in a 24-hour period they were going to die,” said Coast Guard spokeswoman Petty Officer 2nd Class Tara Molle, who was on the call to the AP with Carr.
Ignoring the "storm they encountered", obvious health of the women and 2 dogs including lack of weight loss, this story doe not jibe in my book. But I could be wrong.
Blue wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 13:08:Mr. Tact wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 12:09:
Blue, are you going to get moved before the end of the year? Seems like the process has been taking a bit longer than you'd have thought...
At this point I'd say we won't, we seem to be perpetually a couple of weeks away from putting the house on the market. I've grown to realize that MrsBlue is actually being an obstruction at this point because of her misgivings about this all. So I've decided that the only way to keep this from making me crazy is to do my best to facilitate, but to go with the flow and not let it make me crazy. It'll all work out in the end.
Blue wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 13:08:Mr. Tact wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 12:09:
Blue, are you going to get moved before the end of the year? Seems like the process has been taking a bit longer than you'd have thought...
At this point I'd say we won't, we seem to be perpetually a couple of weeks away from putting the house on the market. I've grown to realize that MrsBlue is actually being an obstruction at this point because of her misgivings about this all. So I've decided that the only way to keep this from making me crazy is to do my best to facilitate, but to go with the flow and not let it make me crazy. It'll all work out in the end.
Blue wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 13:08:Are her misgivings about the new job or just the prospect of having to move? Is she currently working remotely for her new job? Whatever the answers, your approach seems sound. Although I've literally never been the marrying type, it has always seemed to me the cliche "Happy wife, happy life." was good guidance.
At this point I'd say we won't, we seem to be perpetually a couple of weeks away from putting the house on the market. I've grown to realize that MrsBlue is actually being an obstruction at this point because of her misgivings about this all. So I've decided that the only way to keep this from making me crazy is to do my best to facilitate, but to go with the flow and not let it make me crazy. It'll all work out in the end.
Blue wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 13:08:On the bright side, your home is all fixed up now.Mr. Tact wrote on Oct 31, 2017, 12:09:
Blue, are you going to get moved before the end of the year? Seems like the process has been taking a bit longer than you'd have thought...
At this point I'd say we won't, we seem to be perpetually a couple of weeks away from putting the house on the market. I've grown to realize that MrsBlue is actually being an obstruction at this point because of her misgivings about this all. So I've decided that the only way to keep this from making me crazy is to do my best to facilitate, but to go with the flow and not let it make me crazy. It'll all work out in the end.