Colombian independent developer Efecto Studios presents Decoherence, a competitive action/strategy game where you build robots, devise a battle plan and fight alongside them.
Plays like a twin-stick shooter, but is a strategy game at its core. You build robots using components you’ve collected, place them on the arena, configure their AI and fight alongside them against an opponent with their own team of robots.
The development team has open the call to be part of the first round of alpha testing, so everybody wanting to join is welcomed to register on this form.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Aug 16, 2017, 17:34:I've only noticed it the last couple days. Seems to be getting as ubiquitous as "antifa are terrorists" and "what about Dallas?" in Charlottesville discussions. It's like Trumpsters have it attached to their monitors on a Post-It.
I dropped the term Alt-Left because it's all over the mainstream media these days and makes me laugh.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Aug 16, 2017, 13:59:"Alt-left"... Another duh-terance from Trump that his robot minions will immediately install into their meme machines long set to "ad nauseam" since the "fake news" update.
...typical green hair looking alt-left extreme feminist type.
Tipsy McStagger wrote on Aug 16, 2017, 13:59:
What an awful, horrible, terrible, atrocious, despicable, shameful trailer...
What I learned from this trailer is that companies will slap together teasers which literally tell you absolutely nothing except for your typical green hair looking alt-left extreme feminist type.