And while "rightists" are blaming "leftists" and vice versa, there's at least one guy who's right on the money on this one.
*****Start Quote*****
"Fun fact: (repost)
Did you know American racism was born (mostly) from the political/legal decision to justify group exploitation during/after African slavery, working to avoid the poor white masses combining with the poor black masses to work against the ruling capitalist/ownership class?
As detailed by civil rights professor Carter A. Wilson:
"Color prejudice against Africans was rare in the first two-thirds of the 17th century. Legal distinctions between black slaves and white servants did not appear until the 1660s. At first, the plantation owners relied more on European indentured servants than African slaves… Initially, attitudes and behavior toward the African slave differed little from those toward the European servant, except that the servant served only a short-term, usually seven years, and the slave generally, but not always, served for life… Interracial marriages were common in the first half of the 17th century and that at this time they provoked little or no reaction. Christian status and Christian morals were important. Race was not."
Historian Edmund S. Morgan, notes that Indians were also being enslaved and alienated in the same way. He stated:
"…the assembly deliberately did what it could to foster contempt of whites for blacks and Indians… In 1680 it prescribed 30 lashes…”if any Negro or other slave shall presume to lift up his hand in opposition against any Christian”. This was a particularly effective provision that allowed (white) servants to bully slaves without fear of retaliation, thus placing them psychologically on par with masters."
And Dr. MLK Jr.:
"Racial segregation as a way of life did not come about as a natural result of hatred between the races immediately after the Civil War. There were no laws segregating the races then…the segregation of the races was really a political stratagem employed by…the South to keep the southern masses divided and southern labor the cheapest in the land. You see, it was a simple thing to keep the poor white masses working for near-starvation wages in the years that followed the Civil War. Why, if the poor white plantation or mill worker became dissatisfied with his low wages, the plantation or mill owner would merely threaten to fire him and hire former Negro slaves and pay him even less. Thus, the southern wage level was kept almost unbearably low."
Anyone who doesn't see the connection between racial problems today and the history of capital accumulation and markets is missing just about everything."
*****End quote*****
American racism is really classism... So there you have the "1%" playing that Divide Et Impera card on the "99%" and even after millenniums of its first usage back in Antiquity, it still works perfectly.
Well played oligarchs/plutocrats, well played.
As for everyone else, wtf are you doing guys?