I got myself banned by ol' Cleve about two weeks ago from the STEAM forums for 'being an 'unstable element''. I didn't know anything about Grimoire until I saw a posting about it on a Retro news site right after it missed it's first release date in July. I then did a little digging and found that the game had been 'finished' multiple times before that and never came out. All the way back in 2003 it was supposedly 'almost done'. Then he had an Indie GoGo campaign for it a while back. Many 'regulars' had chimed in after it's missed July release that ol' Cleve had been a regular fixture on the RPGCodex boards and that most of them were sure the game would never see the light of day, if there was a game at all.
Apparently, the game had started at Sir-Tech back in 1997~ish and when Sir-Tech went under (or he left/got fired, I can't find definitive info on which), he released a 'Super Demo' and said he was finishing it himself. But aside from the demo, which was purported to have 20-40 hours of game time in it and is still available, no new screens or videos came out...for a long time. So this whole time, ol' Cleve is saying it's 'almost done' and would be released 'soon', only for years to pass and he posted nothing concrete like a video walkthrough to show his progress. You just had to go on his word...which wasn't exactly trustworthy.
So, by the time July 2017 rolls along and he's saying it's done, everyone that was familiar with it just rolled their eyes in a collective sigh. No one thought this was any different from the last 10-15 years. His odd behavior and nonsensical posting about...nothing, especially when it came to the game, didn't help. He would post like it was the middle of a much longer, more explained post but he just cut a paragraph or two out of the middle and posted that instead. It was strange, and off-putting. When it was posted it would be $40, most everyone laughed. They already knew he was crazy but this just cemented his break with reality. Who the hell was going to pay $40 for DOS-era graphics, mechanics and UI in a game?
ANY game?! Even if it was GTA6 or HALO6 or the latest Bioware RPG epic, if it looked and played like a 1996-circa DOS game, no one was going to touch it except the hardcore. Some people don't care about graphics and UI as long as the game is good, and to an extent, I'm one of them, but the price has to match too. 600 hours of possible gameplay or not, $40 is just not a sane price point for something like this. The hardcore multi-party RPG playerbase is pretty niche and small to begin with, you're not going to win over the filthy casuals and their wallets like that, gameplay be damned...
Anyway, after posting my opinion on the forum a few times (not nastily, I might add), I found I'd been permanently banned from them within a week and a half of joining them. I was half-tempted to email Jim (Fucking) Sterling (Son) but I just said the hell with it and carried on doing something productive instead. When Aug. 1st came around (the second release date), I checked in to see if he'd actually been truthful this time about it being 'done' and yet another excuse was posted to the forum, this time blaming it one STEAM, of course. I chuckled and went about my business. Imagine my utter shock when I saw it listed on TPB earlier today! Not because it was on TPB, but because it was out
at all! Thankfully, I don't have to carry out my end of the deal I made with the 'beclevers' if he actually released on Aug. 1st...I said I'd eat my underwear. Live. On Twitch. Thank God for perfectionists!
Dec 10th, '21 Mayfield EF4 tornado survivor'Sorry, we thought you were dead.'
'I was. I'm better now.'