Firefall Falls

The Red 5 Studios announces the closure of Firefall, saying the free-to-play MMORPG is ending today after just under three years of operation (thanks Rock, Paper, Shotgun). There were warning signs along the way, as the developer laid off staff in November 2015, a month before missing payroll a month later, followed by an odd suggestion from their former CEO that the community let the game tank so he could buy the IP. Here's word on the shutdown, and the possibility the game will continue on mobile:
With heavy hearts, we regret to inform you that after much review and analysis, Red 5 Studios have decided to suspend the Firefall efforts on 7th, July 2017. Thank you for being an important part of the Firefall experience and for your loyalty and dedication to the online community.

Your efforts and loyalty will not go without recognition, however. Firefall is currently developing a mobile version of the game and all of Firefall’s founders and players will be rewarded greatly in the new game. We will be sure to provide everyone with more updates as we have them.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm throughout the years; we will see you at the next battle.
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12 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 10, 2017, 17:36
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 10, 2017, 17:36
Jul 10, 2017, 17:36
If there's one game I regret being excited about more than The Old Republic, it's gotta be Firefall. The first hands-on demo at E3 was fun. The initial release was...kinda fun. But ye gods, that thing just kept getting worse and worse. Even their "relaunch" effort was just a completely hot mess. I feel bad for all the people who played this, including myself.
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 8, 2017, 07:54
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 8, 2017, 07:54
Jul 8, 2017, 07:54
whatever, the "lure of e-sports" might have been dumb, but the multiplayer was fun, then they just removed it entirely, and said they had no plans on re-implementing it. it was sad.
Avatar 57545
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 8, 2017, 01:18
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 8, 2017, 01:18
Jul 8, 2017, 01:18
HoSpanky wrote on Jul 7, 2017, 16:45:
This is one of those games I always intended to check out, but the release date kept slipping, and then it came out with no fanfare that I recall.

From the comments, it sounds like I missed out on something kinda neat but ultimately disappointing.

There were moments went it was brilliant, but unfortunately it got buried under in fighting, constant major shifts in character advancement, a dev team that paid too much attention to a few vocal founders who spoke out their asses and the lure of esports...

Biggest fuck up they made was ditching the original leveling system (right after friends and family beta and the initial founder release) for horizontal progression. Content was limited as was the level of the mobs you could fight, so you could only practically get 4 or 5 levels before XP income from kills (no quests) was dead. This prompted a lot of people to bitch the game was too grindy (wouldn't have been with more higher level content...) so the first major retool occurred and they made progression flat and ditched the heal hose for skill shot bullshit medic abilities...

From there, the community divided and they kept chasing the impossible "make everyone happy". Content releases etc expanded the world and it was great fun at times, but flat progression meant that if you were a good player, you could pretty much do any content that didn't have a DPS gate solo as soon as you started, ie. head off in a random direction and rely on your skill rather than your gear. This prompted invention of ways to hold players back artificially so they didn't consume the entire content in days. Etc etc etc...

And then there was Grummz and his management (or lack thereof) of the staff.

This game should be a case study for any new dev team interested in making a MMO of how to take a great IP/concept and really fuck the ever loving shit out of it.
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 18:14
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 18:14
Jul 7, 2017, 18:14
so much wrong with this game, from the west coast customs 10 million dollar (i guess?) bus they used for PAX, to the Nathan Fillion-led firefall TV show week (which is hilarious, cause i kind of suggest that to them int he forums, and their coke-out CEO ran with it). To the utter asing of any intreesting mechanic in favor of boring leveling garbage nonsense like any other wannabe MMO, to all the proposed content that was never built cause they changed tack every 3 months (coked-out CEO).

But it had it's charms. I was a founder, I even had the uber legendary glider that was worth hundreds of dollars. I really got lost in that game for a while. It had such potential.

Oh well, I'm looking forward to that new Bioware Edmonton IP that looks VERY firefall-ish, that should do me just fine.
Avatar 57545
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 17:44
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 17:44
Jul 7, 2017, 17:44
I remember trying this game. It was meh. Oh noes, yet another MMO crashes and burns.
"Just take a look around you, what do you see? Pain, suffering, and misery." -Black Sabbath, Killing Yourself to Live.

“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Purveyor of cute, fuzzy, pink bunny slippers.
Avatar 21247
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 16:45
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 16:45
Jul 7, 2017, 16:45
This is one of those games I always intended to check out, but the release date kept slipping, and then it came out with no fanfare that I recall.

From the comments, it sounds like I missed out on something kinda neat but ultimately disappointing.
Avatar 15603
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 15:17
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 15:17
Jul 7, 2017, 15:17
eRe4s3r wrote on Jul 7, 2017, 13:29:
Maybe the game wouldn't have flopped nearly so much if the series had some actual writers and actors, and maybe some better CGI dudes employed.. because by the gods that was atrocious acting and writing.. still have nightmares of it!
If only they had added Stretch Goals such as celebrity voice-acting and built their own mocap studio for professional motion capture. Just like that other, coming soon, game.
Avatar 58135
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 13:29
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 13:29
Jul 7, 2017, 13:29
Maybe the game wouldn't have flopped nearly so much if the series had some actual writers and actors, and maybe some better CGI dudes employed.. because by the gods that was atrocious acting and writing.. still have nightmares of it!
Avatar 54727
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 11:51
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 11:51
Jul 7, 2017, 11:51
So long to the WoW knockoff no one asked for. And why on earth would anyone give him dime one after this nonsense? You'd literally be better off burning your money.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 11:24
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 11:24
Jul 7, 2017, 11:24
maybe he can have another vehicle built by west coast customs.
Avatar 58192
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 11:13
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 11:13
Jul 7, 2017, 11:13
jacobvandy wrote on Jul 7, 2017, 11:03:
RIP. They added way more quest content at launch at beyond, but the continuous overhauls and eventual removal of resource gathering killed it. I had way more fun with this game in beta when you could thump anywhere, finding little nooks and crannies that were rich in minerals but still easy to defend, or causing some mayhem near bases that other people would join in on...

That ex-CEO has been crowdfunding and starting production on a spiritual successor called Em-8ER, if anyone's interested. I'm not getting my hopes up for it, but the intent is basically to make the game he wanted Firefall to be. They're doing a loyalty rewards thing, too, where you can get some stuff just for being a player of Firefall or they'll match you dollar-for-dollar if you were a founder. That process requires putting a verification link in your Firefall forums account profile, so anyone that wants to better get on that asap in case that site disappears soon:

He seems far more interested in fighting on Twitter than making a game.
Re: Firefall Falls
Jul 7, 2017, 11:03
Re: Firefall Falls Jul 7, 2017, 11:03
Jul 7, 2017, 11:03
RIP. They added way more quest content at launch at beyond, but the continuous overhauls and eventual removal of resource gathering killed it. I had way more fun with this game in beta when you could thump anywhere, finding little nooks and crannies that were rich in minerals but still easy to defend, or causing some mayhem near bases that other people would join in on...

That ex-CEO has been crowdfunding and starting production on a spiritual successor called Em-8ER, if anyone's interested. I'm not getting my hopes up for it, but the intent is basically to make the game he wanted Firefall to be. They're doing a loyalty rewards thing, too, where you can get some stuff just for being a player of Firefall or they'll match you dollar-for-dollar if you were a founder. That process requires putting a verification link in your Firefall forums account profile, so anyone that wants to better get on that asap in case that site disappears soon:
12 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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