HoSpanky wrote on Jul 7, 2017, 16:45:
This is one of those games I always intended to check out, but the release date kept slipping, and then it came out with no fanfare that I recall.
From the comments, it sounds like I missed out on something kinda neat but ultimately disappointing.
There were moments went it was brilliant, but unfortunately it got buried under in fighting, constant major shifts in character advancement, a dev team that paid too much attention to a few vocal founders who spoke out their asses and the lure of esports...
Biggest fuck up they made was ditching the original leveling system (right after friends and family beta and the initial founder release) for horizontal progression. Content was limited as was the level of the mobs you could fight, so you could only practically get 4 or 5 levels before XP income from kills (no quests) was dead. This prompted a lot of people to bitch the game was too grindy (wouldn't have been with more higher level content...) so the first major retool occurred and they made progression flat and ditched the heal hose for skill shot bullshit medic abilities...
From there, the community divided and they kept chasing the impossible "make everyone happy". Content releases etc expanded the world and it was great fun at times, but flat progression meant that if you were a good player, you could pretty much do any content that didn't have a DPS gate solo as soon as you started, ie. head off in a random direction and rely on your skill rather than your gear. This prompted invention of ways to hold players back artificially so they didn't consume the entire content in days. Etc etc etc...
And then there was Grummz and his management (or lack thereof) of the staff.
This game should be a case study for any new dev team interested in making a MMO of how to take a great IP/concept and really fuck the ever loving shit out of it.