New Life is Strange Game Announced

DONTNOD Entertainment announces plans for a follow up to Life is Strange, their surprise hit adventure game (thanks VG247). They offer a video message along with the following explanation:
If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already heard or watched the news… we reached over 3 million unique paying players! It’s an incredible achievement and one we could not have reached without you, our fantastic community! You helped spread positive words about our game and have continually kept the world interested in what happens next.

We also revealed a key piece of information that many of you have been waiting some time for now - we can indeed confirm that the original Life is Strange team at DONTNOD are working on a brand new Life is Strange game. We can’t wait to tell you all about it when the time is right, but for now we are hard at work ensuring it is the very best game we can create. We’re really thankful for your patience thus far and ask for a bit more time. The new game will not be at E3 in June this year but we will be watching the show alongside you all and wish everyone good luck!

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6 Replies. 1 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced
May 18, 2017, 23:50
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced May 18, 2017, 23:50
May 18, 2017, 23:50
I bought this during a sale, then promptly forgot all about it. I oughta fire it up, apparently it's quite good.
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Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced
May 19, 2017, 00:03
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced May 19, 2017, 00:03
May 19, 2017, 00:03
It is pretty good, but it's not for everyone. I rather enjoyed it after expecting I might not. It can be quite "emo" at times but I felt it was a nice change of pace from so many other games. Also, for the most part I felt it was well done in its presentation. Certainly takes something from Telltale's series but goes a different way with it.
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced
May 19, 2017, 01:32
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced May 19, 2017, 01:32
May 19, 2017, 01:32
This game isn't for everyone, though it seems that most people like it. I hated it. I thought it was glitchy, but the real problem was the story, characters and choices. I was constantly pissed off that I was forced into the stupidest ideas ever. I couldn't relate to anything. Maybe I just don't have the teenage schoolgirl genes. I thought it was just bad writing. I played it with my girlfriend, who you hope could relate more, but she hated it even more than me, for the same reasons.
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Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced
May 19, 2017, 02:58
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced May 19, 2017, 02:58
May 19, 2017, 02:58
I quite liked the game. It was nice that it was episodic, that way you could play an episode and had to wait a couple of months until you got the next one, which meant that you could reflect a little bit on what you did in the episode before.
Now we donce.
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced
May 19, 2017, 09:37
Re: New Life is Strange Game Announced May 19, 2017, 09:37
May 19, 2017, 09:37
I loved it, but everyone is right. Very specific tastes required. For an adventure game it was pretty good and much better than the barely-interactive movies Telltale is doing these days.

Lip synching was pretty bad though. I really hope they work on that for the sequel.

Oddly enough my 12 yr old son thought it was a fantastic game. Never saw that coming.
No subject
May 19, 2017, 10:08
No subject May 19, 2017, 10:08
May 19, 2017, 10:08
I streamed the whole thing as it came out. I enjoyed it in general (though some of the characters grated on me, though I feel that was intentional) but without spoilers, the ending felt downright Mass Effect 3 bad to me. I was really let down and frustrated by that and it soured the series a little bit to me. I'm curious what they'll do with the follow-up as it'll have to be about a totally different set of people.
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