Quake Champions Duel Mode Revealed

Bethesda.net introduces Duel Mode, a one-on-one game variant that will be part of Quake Champions, id Software's upcoming first-person shooter that's currently running an open large-scale tech test. The post includes this trailer showing off the mode, and here are some of the details:
Duel mode introduces an additional layer of strategy to Quake Champions, incorporating multiple Champions with differing Abilities. To start, players will select three Champions in a snake-style draft before heading to the Arenas. In choosing their roster, players will have to consider which Champions are better suited to their unique playstyle and which are effective counters to their opponents’ choices.

Taking a cue from fighting games, Duel is played as a best-of-three match. There are three total rounds, and in each round, a player has to defeat all three of the opponent’s Champions. When a player is fragged, they will respawn as another of their chosen Champions. When one player has eliminated all three of the opposing Champions, a winner for that round is declared.

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Re: Quake Champions Duel Mode Revealed
May 18, 2017, 09:35
Re: Quake Champions Duel Mode Revealed May 18, 2017, 09:35
May 18, 2017, 09:35
ItBurn wrote on May 17, 2017, 20:28:
I've been watching this game and it's truly an Overwatch-lite. Heroes have different health levels, speeds and abilities. The shooting itself seems adequate though. The biggest negatives are that weapons and kills don't look and sound satisfying and the announcer voice is a joke.

I haven't played Overwatch, but this game briefly had me wanting to.

The game is fun. For a while at least. It is absolutely Quake. Feels a ton like Quake 3, as it should.

But it has huge issues. For one, the heroes do feel bolted on, because there isn't a huge difference between them. However, that difference is enough to be annoying. Since they're not all unlocked (and I'm now level 10 without having played a single other hero), it's hard to really know what you're up against: you need to play as a hero to really get it. For another, part of Quake games, for me, has always been standing people down. Run down a hallway with the default gun, come across someone else, and be confident in your increased accuracy to stand (well, strafe) there and take them out. Since some heroes have more health, yeah, no. Not to mention numbers float out over heroes heads when you hit them, and when you see a "100" float out, you think someone is near dead. Sometimes, though, you then see a "90" float out, and he's still coming at you, so you have no clue how much damage that guy is really going to take.

I find kills pretty satisfying, but not deaths. You never know who killed you, or from where, in a time where kill cams have become popular. Respawning takes a few seconds, why not show me a quick replay of the lucky SOB that shot me in the back while I killed his friend? Also, I never have a good sense of my health. Ever. I don't know if it's HUD positioning, or if it's just me, but I feel like I get hit often and only know from the grunt or from a shot physically moving me. I never know if I have 75% health or 100% health. I just don't have any awareness. I haven't done a competitive multiplayer game in years, so could be me. Most of what I have done in the past 7 or so years was MW games, which hardly need health, so...

Lastly, way too much time between games. The game takes a long time to load. Then you click Play and click a game type. Fine. It'll take 30 seconds finding a game, then it will ask you if you want to accept that game. Why wouldn't I? It gives me no details about the match it's offering, so why ask me? I told you 30 seconds ago I wanted a game, with no new information assume I want it. Then it waits for everyone to accept it. Then it shows you who you're in the game with. Then it loads - I'm usually the second or third person to finish loading, so my PC is faster than most playing. Then it shows you who you're playing with again. Then you get 45 seconds or a minute of "warm up." You're now something like 5+ minutes since your last game. Play the game, which almost always ends based on time, not score, because the settings are too high (maybe because they know the time between games is forever.) Game ends, does some loading, you see the scores, you escape out, and can now see more in-depth stats that aren't in-depth enough. Why can't I see damage per weapon, only damage with the best weapon? Where are assists? How come I can't mouse over the medals to see wtf they are on this screen? How come I don't get a graph showing scores over time, like Qstats did 17 years ago (god, I loved Qstats.) How come, when I leave this screen, I can't go back to it?

Then repeat. Another five minutes before you're playing for real again.

Lastly, teamplay is 4v4. If one person doesn't connect or leaves, their team has 33% more firepower. My second team game I couldn't find anyone to kill - just kept seeing my own guys. Turns out one of theirs quit. We had an easy win. When it's my team with 3 guys, I get slaughtered. You never fight one on one, always 2 on one (or worse.) And you can't decide to run with your teammates, because they're probably a faster hero than you so they lose you immediately. I've just started quitting when my team is down a man, because it isn't fun. Meanwhile, I've occasionally been thrown into a game in progress (never seem to get backfills in my own game), spawning next to someone and not realizing it's in-progress and getting killed almost immediately, unaware it's not "warm-up."

Fun gameplay, basic core Quake gameplay, with more built into it. I guess they need more, because Quake Live didn't set the world on fire (I briefly had a lot of fun reminiscing in that beta, too.) The additions almost all make the game worse, though.
May 17, 2017May 17 2017
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 Re: Quake Champions Duel Mode Revealed
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