Ubisoft Financials Reveal Far Cry 5 and The Crew 2

Ubisoft's Full-Year 2016-17 Sales and Earnings figures are online, reporting a third consecutive year-on-year rise in non-IFRS operating margin, record-high digital revenue and back-catalog sales, saying this reflects "the Group's transformation toward a more profitable and recurring model." This mentions four games from them are planned for the coming year, saying to expect the "exciting returns" of Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, The Crew, and South Park. The Far Cry Twitter account confirms the Far Cry game will be Far Cry 5, offering a Far Cry 5 logo along with a rhetorical question about the next installment in Ubisoft's shooter series: "Are you ready for a hefty dose of new Far Cry adventures?" The only other thing they offer for now is a link to subscribe to the Ubisoft YouTube Channel for future updates. And Polygon notes the Ubisoft Forums have a logo for The Crew 2, saying, "Beyond the road... Stay with us for more high octane thrills!" Here's more on their from the earnings announcement:
Today, Ubisoft released its sales and earnings figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.

Yves Guillemot, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "The execution of our strategic plan fully paid off in 2016-17, with further very strong growth for the digital segment - which now accounts for 50% of total sales - and an ever-more recurring profile."

"With 44 million unique registered players, the size of the Tom Clancy community has increased by almost 150% in less than 18 months. This impressive performance for a brand created almost 20 years ago clearly illustrates the strong popularity of Ghost Recon Wildlands, Rainbow Six Siege and The Division. Our Live titles continue to beat records for player engagement and have seen a sharp rise in player recurring investment. Our results for 2016-17 demonstrate the success of our new model, with record high operating income and outperforming the target announced a year ago, and operating margin up for the third consecutive year."

"Over the last three fiscal years, Ubisoft has - with remarkable success - created numerous new brands and rebooted Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. These successes have strengthened our visibility for the coming two fiscal years, with a line-up of releases principally comprised of established franchises. In 2017-18 we will see the exciting returns of Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, The Crew and South Park.
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Re: Out of the Blue
May 19, 2017, 15:13
Re: Out of the Blue May 19, 2017, 15:13
May 19, 2017, 15:13
Slick wrote on May 18, 2017, 00:32:
FC2 was amazing, a definite standout when it came to narrative world-building. The plot left an impact on me to play it all the way through, getting to figure out for yourself what the fuck is actually going on without hand-holding and excessive exposition was masterfully done.

FC1 was also amazing, I'd play a proper remake of that, that deagle felt better than any pistol in any game. And yes! the mutants! such a twist. I remember playing the shareware demo of the first map over and over and over and over, just unable to wait to get my Ati 9800 Pro to kick the full game's ass. FC1 did all of the shit that Doom 3 and HL2 where doing graphically, except FC1 came out before with of them, truly ahead of it's time.

Wait, wait, wait...did we both exist in the same timeline?! FC2 was boring AF! Not to mention cheap - you clear an outpost and go back five minutes later and all the bad guys are all back where they were when you cleared them out! Like it never happened! Then why TF am I doing this?! Plus they seem to have magical vision and are crackshots with rusty old shit weapons. They can bean me from 500 yards but when I finally kill them and get their gun, it's a jammed POS that fires twice before breaking! No, FC2 was not a great game. Either I got a beta copy or you're remembering a different game entirely.

As for the original...~eh. I wouldn't put it in the same league as Doom3 or even HL2. The shooting is all over the place, the plot is typical nonsensical and forgettable and the mutants...ugh. Seriously, what alternate early 2000's are you from? Did they have 9/11 and George W.? If not, can I come over?

Dec 10th, '21 Mayfield EF4 tornado survivor
'Sorry, we thought you were dead.'
'I was. I'm better now.'
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