OnlySP - Lovecraftian Lies: Why Video Games Cannot be "Lovecraftian." Now you tell me. According to the archive, I've only used the term here 25 times.
Flatline wrote on May 8, 2017, 12:50:
I'd argue that there's a difference between "Mythos-inspired" and "Lovecraftian". If you have Cthulhu Mario Kart that's a "mythos" game.
If your game meditates on racist imperialist Christian xenophobia and postulates that just outside the doorstep of civilized euro-centric culture there is a thriving, writhing, pagan world that doesn't give a shit about you and if exposed to it you would become tainted, corrupted, and probably insane as your properly gentrified mind snapped, then your game is probably "Lovecraftian".