Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo

In an interview on AusGamers, Arkane's Raph Colantonio discusses the imminent release of Prey, the sci-fi shooter remake (thanks DSOGaming). One hot topic that comes up is how console owners have a demo of the game to sample, while PC gamers do not. Though this does not sound like Valve's take on the topic, he says they feel Steam's refund policy is the equivalent of a PC demo:
"It's just a resource assignment thing. We couldn't do a demo on both the console and on the PC, we had to choose. And besides, PC has Steam. Steam players can just return the game [prior to playing] 2 hours so it's like a demo already. I also want to clarify that there's no PC port. I keep on hearing 'oh they're going to screw up the PC port' there is no PC port. We do the game on PC. It's a PC game. It's a different engine to Dishonored as well. So we might have our own sets of problems, but we are of course very careful because of what happened with Dishonored 2. So we wanted to make sure the PC version of Prey is good."
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Re: Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo
May 4, 2017, 23:38
Re: Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo May 4, 2017, 23:38
May 4, 2017, 23:38
gilly775 wrote on May 4, 2017, 12:36:
But again, my issue here is the entire game and refund system excuse. I think it's ludicrous for those of us that do have caps. I don't know about everyone else here with a cap on their ISP but I'm a systems admin. I've got 4 kids and a wife that tend to chew up bandwidth at home. I Windows Update Dev servers one weekend night after Patch Tuesday and then Prod servers the weekend after. Granted I don't play a lot of online games but Steam/Uplay will update my library as updates are released. Sometimes I remote in after hours to fix issues, chewing up more bandwidth. I'm just disappointed that the mentality to create demos off of the full game is happening less and less. I miss the days of Game Demos on CDs and the availability to go to to download them back in the mid/late 90s. It just baffles me how studios/publishers don't care anymore.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like your rationale for not wanting a time-limited demo is your ISP has hard bandwidth caps and charge for overages compared to your family's usage. It's 2017. Broadband replaced dial-up a long time ago. It's not expensive and most, if not all, ISPs do not have hard caps. They might have soft caps of 50-100GB in that if you consistently hit at or above their threshold they may inquire. That said they understand Youtube, Hulu, Steam, Origin, Netflix, and so forth creates a situation that makes bandwidth caps bad for business. If you find yourself in that situation with your ISP, then shop around for another. In the meantime, Valve should let publishers do time-trial demos before launch. "JUST DO IT!"
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