Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo

In an interview on AusGamers, Arkane's Raph Colantonio discusses the imminent release of Prey, the sci-fi shooter remake (thanks DSOGaming). One hot topic that comes up is how console owners have a demo of the game to sample, while PC gamers do not. Though this does not sound like Valve's take on the topic, he says they feel Steam's refund policy is the equivalent of a PC demo:
"It's just a resource assignment thing. We couldn't do a demo on both the console and on the PC, we had to choose. And besides, PC has Steam. Steam players can just return the game [prior to playing] 2 hours so it's like a demo already. I also want to clarify that there's no PC port. I keep on hearing 'oh they're going to screw up the PC port' there is no PC port. We do the game on PC. It's a PC game. It's a different engine to Dishonored as well. So we might have our own sets of problems, but we are of course very careful because of what happened with Dishonored 2. So we wanted to make sure the PC version of Prey is good."
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Re: Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo
May 4, 2017, 04:33
Re: Arkane: Steam Refunds = PC Prey Demo May 4, 2017, 04:33
May 4, 2017, 04:33
CJ_Parker wrote on May 4, 2017, 03:08:
Quinn wrote on May 4, 2017, 02:28:
Also, name a demo that lasted longer than 5 hours in the last 20 years.

Ummm... the Mass Effect Andromeda 10 hour free trial last month? OK. It required signing up for a free trial membership of Access but free is free and it was a very generous demo.

More free trials on Origin (that do NOT require also signing up for a free Access trial): Unravel (10 hours), Plants vs. Zombies (10 hours), The Sims 4 (two days, i.e. up to the theoretical maximum of 48h if you ovahdoze on caffeine), BF4 (sevens days = up to 168h including the SP campaign), SWBF (4 hours... OK, not quite 5h), Titanfall (two days = up to 48h), Dragon Age Inquisition (6 hours).

And if this shit ain't enough, you could exploit their Great Game Guarantee refund policy by playing a game for up to 23:59:59 hours. They have a much more generous policy than Steam with their measly 2 hours.

Well, finally Kxmode already mentioned free weekends on Steam. Those usually launch on Thursday at 10:00AM Pacific and last until Sunday.

Saying there haven't been 5h+ demos in the last 20 years is complete uneducated drivel.

I almost want to start buying games on Origin so that I can get some of EA's generous demo-periods and refund guarantees. Valve needs to up their game and gives publishers the option to do time trials of upcoming titles. The publisher can determine the details. For big AAA-titles with a typical 50+ hour campaign, I think five hours is fine. Smaller indie publishers may decide on 30-minute previews. The point is in 2017 with digital distribution it shouldn't be hard to make an entire game playable within a specified period for a limited amount of time, without forcing a consumer to buy the game only to end up going through the annoying refund process.
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