Agent-Zero wrote on May 3, 2017, 10:03:
the state of the previous PC port makes their priorities clear in this
its not encouraging, lets see what reviews say
Screw reviews, good and useful reviews are so few and far between often doing nothing more than paying lipservice to negatives. For the large hyped games it's often becoming a necessity to balance critic reviews with user reviews especially if there are recurring criticisms.
There's a reason so many people go "A game got 7/10, so it must be crap" because much of the time that "7" should be a five or six with a highlighted caveat, or doesn't account for things many users, the customers, consider valid.
Sure there are those who give games a valid rating within their opinion, though for such a rating to come from one of the big sites for a hyped game with marketing is an exception even before the reviewer has to have the thick skin to soak up abuse from a zealous troll army for giving a 7/10 game anything lower than a 9 just because of its title.
I've found it far more useful looking for recurring negatives in negative user reviews so see if they're something I care about.
Along with a handful of, as independent as possible, specific reviewers who's opinions and preferences I may not agree with but am familiar with.
Other than that the rest is usually just noise to filter out.
Though Bethesda's actions in regards to critic reviews doesn't help the situation in any way, it's just adding to the many problems and their statements regarding it makes it sound calculated and deliberate by dancing around the elephant in the room.