The desire to continue to improve Star Citizen is also why we have begun offering an incentive to purchase a new concept with fresh money rather than melting a ship and using store credit. We offer backers a more comprehensive system for melting and refactoring their pledges than we had ever dreamed possible back in 2012, which is a system I believe no other game offers, and as a result you can often swap to a more favored ship without impacting funding at all. We built this to allow you all to be able to purchase a ship with confidence, knowing that if something you like better comes along you can switch out to it with minimal hassle and no loss. We do not intend to change this system, but maintaining it means that we need to find other ways to encourage new contributions rather than just recycling old ones as the continued funding means we can continue to make the game as good as it possibly can be. Going forward, these cash sales will focus on newly introduced concept ships and top tier limited capital ships.
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Nov 23, 2016, 15:32:
Delivering (in the processing of giving) is different to delivered (has already given). I shouldn't have to teach you basic English just to have a discussion about this. What we've seen and got to play is in excess of what was originally promised. Only if CIG goes bankrupt and is unable to complete the development is there an issue but funding is at record levels. The original pitch was for five ships (Aurora, Hornet, 300i, Freelancer and Constellation) - all of those are flyable, along with the Mustang, M50, Gladius, Cutlass, Avenger, Gladiator, Starfarer, Retaliator, Scythe, Glaive, P-52 Merlin, Khartu Al, Vanguard, Reliant, Sabre and Argo, with the Caterpillar, Herald and 85X due in the next patch in the next few weeks.
Not only that but the fidelity is dramatically beyond what was originally promised. And in the next patch we get Star Marine, which is the first-person combat element of the game - that's something that was originally a stretch goal. Is the game taking longer than was originally estimated? Absolutely, but the reason is the increased funding and scope of the game. As an original backer I support what CIG is doing.
Go back and look at the original pledge - it looks awful in comparison to what we're able to play now and what's coming up soon.
It's a crowdfunded game. The way it works is that people pay money AHEAD of time and fund development of the game. If you fail to grasp the fundamental business model then there's really nothing to discuss.
What we've seen and got to play is in excess of what was originally promised.
It's a crowdfunded game. The way it works is that people pay money AHEAD of time and fund development of the game. If you fail to grasp the fundamental business model then there's really nothing to discuss.
grudgebearer wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 12:23:Delivering (in the processing of giving) is different to delivered (has already given). I shouldn't have to teach you basic English just to have a discussion about this. What we've seen and got to play is in excess of what was originally promised. Only if CIG goes bankrupt and is unable to complete the development is there an issue but funding is at record levels. The original pitch was for five ships (Aurora, Hornet, 300i, Freelancer and Constellation) - all of those are flyable, along with the Mustang, M50, Gladius, Cutlass, Avenger, Gladiator, Starfarer, Retaliator, Scythe, Glaive, P-52 Merlin, Khartu Al, Vanguard, Reliant, Sabre and Argo, with the Caterpillar, Herald and 85X due in the next patch in the next few weeks.
So there's a playable alpha of the PSU and Squadron 42 already? Or are you considering the hanger module, Arena Commander, and social module on par with an actual alpha ?
grudgebearer wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 12:23:It's a crowdfunded game. The way it works is that people pay money AHEAD of time and fund development of the game. If you fail to grasp the fundamental business model then there's really nothing to discuss.
The fact that CIG is selling people on hope, does not mean he's doing something "right" in terms of software development, just that he's doing something right in terms of fundraising.
Peeeling wrote on Nov 22, 2016, 07:04:Am I wrong on how this works?
If anything you're low-balling the problem.
I'd be interested to know what fraction of backers are imagining running through one of these massive ships in FPS combat, while a battle rages outside and beam weapons tear through the ship. Shooting out a window, leaping outside onto the hull and diving in through the hole a missile has made.
Am I wrong on how this works?
given that they continue to contribute more money into the project CIG must be doing something right.
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 12:02:grudgebearer wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 10:04:CIG is delivering far in excess of what was promised in the original Kickstarter. Further, the vast majority of backers came in after the Kickstarter. It's fair enough to criticise the delays but when the end result is going to be substantially better most people are fine with that - in fact CIG continues to attract large numbers of new backers and additional funds.
In the end this will be more of a 'bait and switch' scheme. They are selling everyone on product A, but what will be released will actually be product B. It will fulfill all of the requirements for delivering a product for the Kickstarter rules, but won't be anything close to what was promised.
We get it, Star Citizen isn't for you. But clearly it is for a lot of other people and given that they continue to contribute more money into the project CIG must be doing something right.
grudgebearer wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 10:04:CIG is delivering far in excess of what was promised in the original Kickstarter. Further, the vast majority of backers came in after the Kickstarter. It's fair enough to criticise the delays but when the end result is going to be substantially better most people are fine with that - in fact CIG continues to attract large numbers of new backers and additional funds.
In the end this will be more of a 'bait and switch' scheme. They are selling everyone on product A, but what will be released will actually be product B. It will fulfill all of the requirements for delivering a product for the Kickstarter rules, but won't be anything close to what was promised.
Quietus wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 00:28:
Most AAA games have established game franchises that already have all the game mechanics worked out and the company infrastructures setup from previous titles.
It takes time to establish a company, build the infrastructure and acquire the right talent.
Star Citizen is only in the start of it's fifth year of open development for a AAA title. Most AAA titles take from 5-6 years or more to develop in a closed environment.
While the game is an open development alpha and not feature complete, it is playable. I'm very realistic in that the current live build 2.5 is a very unstable build. Give it the time that a AAA title takes to mature.
It's the most ambitious game title to date with tech that needs to be built to achieve, not a title that a game publisher pushes out before it's ready like No Man's Sky.
Kosumo wrote on Nov 20, 2016, 22:02:
Edit, sorry, my bad, this is more a Ponzi scheme not so much a pyramid scheme.
Quietus wrote on Nov 21, 2016, 00:28:A voice of reason in a sea of waaaaa.
Most AAA games have established game franchises that already have all the game mechanics worked out and the company infrastructures setup from previous titles.
It takes time to establish a company, build the infrastructure and acquire the right talent.
Star Citizen is only in the start of it's fifth year of open development for a AAA title. Most AAA titles take from 5-6 years or more to develop in a closed environment.
While the game is an open development alpha and not feature complete, it is playable. I'm very realistic in that the current live build 2.5 is a very unstable build. Give it the time that a AAA title takes to mature.
It's the most ambitious game title to date with tech that needs to be built to achieve, not a title that a game publisher pushes out before it's ready like No Man's Sky.
Slashman wrote on Nov 20, 2016, 21:26:Creston wrote on Nov 20, 2016, 18:03:
That's at least one thing I'm rooting for RSI on. Don't compromise for the sake of lesser hardware. Build the most hardware destroying game out there. We've been in need of another Crysis. that like another crisis or Crysis? I always get the two mixed up.
Slashman wrote on Nov 20, 2016, 21:26:Creston wrote on Nov 20, 2016, 18:03:
That's at least one thing I'm rooting for RSI on. Don't compromise for the sake of lesser hardware. Build the most hardware destroying game out there. We've been in need of another Crysis. that like another crisis or Crysis? I always get the two mixed up.