S42 Primary Tech Hurdles
Most of our base technology is now complete
Still in Progress:
- Pathfinding Logic
- Full Animation Integration
- Improved Combat Logic
- Mission System Integration
- Enhanced Fight AI
Object Container Streaming
CPU and GPU Optimizations
S42 Status Update
- All chapters and gameplay features at grey-box or better
- Taking one chapter to final ship quality - flushes out any technical, integration and polish issues.
- Building Technology & Systems for the long term and the whole SC universe - no short cuts!
NasWulf wrote on Oct 18, 2016, 08:06:
Well, I never said the game was finished, closed to finished or currently has enough content to warrant a release. I just see their development model very close to the early access model.
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 13:13:
Quick question: if SC was suddenly flagged as 'released' tomorrow, with everything left to be done reclassified as 'live updates', would you feel differently about it?
NasWulf wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:21:
but you're speculating as truth. Instead of saying something like, I don't know how they are going to do such in such with less funds then say Destiny .... but instead you say ... they absolutely will not finish because ...
it's an opinion not grounded with facts
nin wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:38:Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:08:
Show me again where I said they were running out of money? You seem to be confusing two different issues here.
Please don't feed thetrollshill.
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:08:
Show me again where I said they were running out of money? You seem to be confusing two different issues here.
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:08:
Show me again where I said they were running out of money? You seem to be confusing two different issues here.
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 07:04:
Q. Have they raised enough money to build the game they promised?
A. Based on the dev cost of much less ambitious games grounded in established tech, no - UNLESS they somehow manage to schedule development and build and scale content much more efficiently than those games did.
Q. Ok, so ARE they scheduling their development and building and scaling content much more efficiently than these benchmark titles?
A. No. They're doing it much, much worse.
NasWulf wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 08:04:
ok , so please .. prove it .. show us the email from CR that is that shows he's desperately looking for more funds. Show us the giant layoffs of employees, the studio shut downs, the consolidation of assets ... I'm mean , all I keeps seeing and reading about are expansions, Tech being finished, more hired people, and more money being raised ... and bungie is the last developer to be praised on money management ... lol
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 07:57:NasWulf wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 07:49:
pick your poison is SC a MMO, or is it a FPS .. even if you combine them and say $166 million,
Because when you try to realise two concepts in one package, you just add the two costs together. Right.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Destiny cost $500m...
NasWulf wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 07:49:
pick your poison is SC a MMO, or is it a FPS .. even if you combine them and say $166 million,
Peeeling wrote on Oct 17, 2016, 07:04:
And for bonus points:
Q. Ok, so can you back that up by naming a game in the same genre that's managed to do more with less?
jdreyer wrote on Oct 15, 2016, 16:57:
A year ago I would have agreed with you. There's an old adage in the charity industry, "You have to spend money to make money. " They have spent a couple mil on all of the vids, contests, website, Citcon, and all the other community outreach they've done. They've pulled in $30M. So you could say it was not inefficiently spent at all. Without that expenditure they don't bring in 10% of that.
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Oct 15, 2016, 17:54:Peeeling wrote on Oct 15, 2016, 09:22:That's your opinion. I disagree.
Elite is not a finished game. It's every bit as much a work in progress as SC. The difference is that it's been developed in a sensible manner, so what you get right now is a solid, joined-up experience that could pass for a complete, albeit rather insubstantial game. To say that SC is being developed in a better way because you prefer their specific flight/combat system is silly. I'm not claiming the Elite devs are making better design decisions. I'm saying they're making infinitely better development and scheduling decisions.
Elite: Dangerous has been released. Star Citizen is in alpha. Elite is being expanded upon but you can't pretend it hasn't been released - it was released two years ago. I own both games, so don't pretend I'm not familiar with them.