Neil Young taught us that rust never sleeps, and true to that, Facepunch Studios
announces a major change to
Rust adding an experience and leveling system to the
survival game (first TF2
adds matchmaking and now this!).
This developer blog
outlines the changes, and offers
this trailer
explaining their new merged XP system. Here's word:
If you don't have
time to watch the video, here's what's up. Certain actions in Rust are now
rewarded with increases in both your player level and XP. With each level you
gain, you’ll have access to more items to spend your XP on. This allows you to
select a path through the game's upgrades. You'll still have to gather the
resources to craft them, but it should also make the game less of a loot crap
shoot and more enjoyable.
Anything you craft--or have gathered the resources for--will continue to provide
XP for you. If someone else uses it, you'll receive a small share of the
generated XP. This hopefully gives players a reason to not immediately kill new
spawns and cannibalise them. Taking pity on them and giving them a tool will
benefit you both.
We're cleverly calling this an 'XP System'. When other games catch on to what
we've done, we expect it to become the norm.