The Parking Lot Behind the Hooters Across the Street from the L.A. Convention Center – Sam Stone is back! And this time it's real. Real developer Croteam and virtual publisher Devolver Digital announce Serious Sam VR, coming to a VR headset near you later this year.
It is the period of the first Mental War. Earth's defense forces are crumbling under the hordes of the vicious Mental. He managed to break the will of many nations by destroying the ancient shrines of the domestic people. A fearless EDF general, Sam 'Serious' Stone, is leading the resistance from the battlecruiser 'BC Saratoga' in a desperate attempt to save the galaxy. And it's all going down in the virtual realm.
For the first time, immerse yourself in the universe of Serious Sam – travel the galaxy, meet interesting aliens, and blow the shit out of them all in a mind-blowing, fast-paced, guns-blazin' virtual reality environment. Get into the action immediately after choosing one of several missions, drop in and start wreckin' faces. Featuring multiple levels on multiple planets, the bosses you'll encounter in this virtual world are bigger, badder and uglier than you've yet encountered as Sam Stone. And the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Mental's hordes are about to unleash their fury on you from every direction – some of them are familiar, and others you're going to wish you never met. Pick up and master new weapons or use trusty favorites (dual-wielding shotguns, anybody?) Serious Sam VR gives you a seemingly never ending supply of enemy-eviscerating weapons, and use your power ups to navigate your skill tree to be the boldest, biggest and most virtual Sam you can be. Customize or upgrade your gear on the Saratoga battlecruiser in-between missions using in-game currency that has nothing to do with real-world currency (sorry Fork Parker, no microtransactions.)
Get ready to strap it on, get in and get shooting. Serious Sam VR hits Early Access this summer.
HoSpanky wrote on Jun 13, 2016, 15:52:Darks wrote on Jun 13, 2016, 14:50:Jagacademy wrote on Jun 13, 2016, 13:13:
Seems like there are a lot of VR games coming many people actually have VR units?
VR is seriously getting out of hand. I personally will not put some stupid VR device on my head and years from now wonder why my eyes are all fucked up like in the movie the Jerk.
And that looks lame as shit, floating weapons? Give me a fucking break!!
Yep, here we go, more people bitching about something they don't understand. The "floating guns" thing is becoming standard because unless people want to strap MORE shit to their arms, the game can't always properly guess your arm location, and IF IT IS WRONG, you will flip the fuck out as your brain tries to figure out why your arms are broken. Also, when you're playing, you DON'T NOTICE the guns are floating.
You and Cutter and everyone else on here who hates technology that's beyond what they can comprehend won't believe me, but whatever. Until you play around with it, you CANNOT understand why it's so incredible. You think that it's just a monitor on your face, and 3D, and so you think that sounds pretty lame and have written it off.
YES, it's true that most VR titles out right now are glorified tech demos. This is literally like having to start all over on game design. They're still working out First Person locomotion, as teleporting doesn't feel right and "sliding along" makes people sick. If someone is given enough visual cues, you can put them on a moving platform, but that again limits what kinds of games that can be done.
But then there are the things that we can do in VR that you CANNOT do on a monitor. You can have swordfights where you actually have to maneuver your sword around their armor, then go explore a dungeon where you may need to physically crouch to get under a swinging blade (Vanishing Realms). There's a bizarre gun fetishist game where reloading actually makes you eject your clip and physically insert a new one...and it doesn't approximate. You need to ACTUALLY get the clip into the gun, not just get it neat the socket (Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades). Shooting gallery games make a lot of sense in VR, so you'll see there are a lot of them popping up.
Also, VR is where "walking simulators" can thrive, as just being in a new environment is thrilling in VR. Sure, you can't slide along without being sick, but teleporting doesn't feel "cheap" in exploration games. You simply point to where you want to look around, click and you're there. If there's no combat, it simply takes the wasted time of moving over there out of it.
Ripping on VR without having tried it makes you just sound bitter. You will compare it to failed technology, because you can't understand why it's so much better than what you have. You're the horse rider, telling everyone the automobile is crap.