Re: Morning Legal Briefs
Apr 6, 2016, 23:29
Re: Morning Legal Briefs Apr 6, 2016, 23:29
Apr 6, 2016, 23:29
Cutter wrote on Apr 6, 2016, 14:47:
In an e-mailed statement, the SPD says it "served a warrant at the home while investigating information received from the National Center for Missing and Exploiting Children" involving the possible distribution of child pornography. A judge signed the warrant. And: "The department greatly appreciates the ongoing work and advocacy of members of the Seattle Privacy Coalition."

Right. Yeah. Sure.

Asked to comment on the irony of helping the city with the privacy initiative, only to have his privacy violated this morning, Robinson said, "It's not ironic. It's worrisome. I was petrified." He said one officer insisted on standing in his bedroom while he got dressed before being taken outside. The officer saw him in the nude.

Welcome to the fascist police state.

So now I have to wonder if the NCMEC is cooperating with police to engineer these fishing expeditions. I assume they're not fans of TOR. I hope the activists get a good lawyer and find out what the basis of the warrant was. If it was just the fact that they ran an exit node, they should certainly sue the city for this harassment.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." -- Bertrand Russell (I think...)
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 Re: Morning Legal Briefs