Should you cut yourself off from the majority of recently released games, after already choosing to cut your performance to a third? Tough question. I'll have to think about that one for a while.
It's a question of what laptops are for. People buy laptops to do work on them. Gaming laptops have been and will always be retarded: to get comparable performance you have to spend about three times as much money, for a 6lbs monstrosity of a laptop with 2 hours of battery life.
So if you have and routinely use a laptop, it's presumably because you have work to do, which presumes you have a job, which further presumes that there are roughly 1000 times more worthwhile games to play than you have time to devote to them. That means what little time you do spend gaming is going to be selectively spent on a handful of titles, and most certainly NOT playing every major release simply because you derive your core identity from being a "gamer".
In that context, being able to play CS:GO, with significant but not huge performance gains over Windows, on the Ubuntu/Fedora/Gentoo laptop you use for work may in fact be all you need to satisfy your gaming needs, because if you take your career and family and social lives seriously, its doubtful you have time for anything more than that.