shihonage wrote on Nov 11, 2015, 01:14:
But hey, enjoy your skinner box. Enjoy fetching apples for people in a nonsensical world, and leveling up stats that mean nothing. Enjoy your invulnerable NPCs and one-word dialogue choices. Enjoy pointless, boring timesink activities that belong in an MMO, rather than a CRPG. Enjoy the hoarding. Enjoy the grind.
It's troglodytes like YOU who are still living in a mental equivalent of a cave, and YOU are helping companies like Bethesda produce same old, primitive, throwback-to-programmers-writing-dialogue-on-a-napkin shit with a newer skin.
I'm still waiting for people like you to develop taste. But stupid... stupid never changes.
You're an idiot, and that's okay. You don't want to grow up, and you want everything your way, the old wat, or no way - but you aren't a big enough to just let things go, you have whine and complain. Love to hate, grow up.
Let's review main quests:
F1: Get Water Chip to save Vault. A timed fetch quest.
F2: Get Geck to save village.
F3: Find Father who abandoned you.
FNV: Find the man that tried to kill you.
Fallout 2 almost all of its art assets are from Fallout. Buggy as absolute hell on release, it was virtually unplayable.
Fallout 2 Had a whorehouse, moreover you could be a pornstar. A fetch quest involved finding dirty magazines, the game featured a number of whores, and getting a crimelord's daughter pregnant. Wow, that's edgy. Do you remember fetching golden gecko skins for rewards? I do. Do you remember the citizens of Planescape: Torment? Torpedo tits and bikinis everywhere.
Both Fallout's featured low-rent, at the time, celebrity voice acting.
Many quests in Fallout 1 and 2? Go here, kill this, get that, bring it back.
I think Fallout 1 is great, Fallout 2 is alright, and you're stuck in fantasyland.
Fallout 2 is a parody of Fallout, instead of trying too hard to make great atmosphere they filled the game with as many popular culture references and bad jokes as they could.
Even still, Planescape Torment is still better than anything Fallout.