heroin wrote on Nov 10, 2015, 13:40:
I've got an Alienware Aurora I7 w/AMD Radeon HD 8870 - it's not the best but it should put some polish on this steaming shite looking acid trip, never had problems with Witcher 3 graphics other than the fact that that game has worst fucking controls I've ever tolerated
Posted on 11/9:
"AMD dropped beta drivers for Call of Duty: Black Ops III last week, but hasn’t said whether it’ll release Radeon drivers specifically optimized for Fallout 4, Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, or Star Wars Battlefront (though AMD was heavily involved in promoting the latter and released a driver for its beta test, so an update is likely for that at least). The company likely has its hands full at the moment with the sweeping new Radeon Software Crimson poised for release sooner than later."
Your i7 family CPU sounds good. The culprit appears to be your video card. I went an entire upgrade cycle with Radeon and it was a nightmare. Both ATI and AMD have track records of releasing drivers late or none at all for major games. If you can afford it I would highly recommend changing over to a nVidia GeForce GTX 960 (this is the card I have). It's a VERY good card for $200. Once you go nVidia you shouldn't have any problems for FO4.
After you go nVidia, for the love of god stay with nVidia. Don't switch back to Radeon.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source