Derek Smart - Interstellar Justice.
"Give backers the opportunity to hire an independent forensics accountant, and an executive producer, to audit the company records, and give an accurate picture of the financial health of the company, and it’s ability to complete, and deliver this project in a timely fashion. I hereby offer to foot the entire costs of this effort. And I will put up to $1m of my own money, in an escrow account of an attorney’s choosing, to be used as-needed for this exercise. I will pay this price to prove that I had every right to seek these answers. So this money can either go toward a good cause (righting this ship), or to attorneys who are most likely to burn it all down anyway."
"In the wake of the collapse of Digital Anvil, co-founder and soon-to-be-former CEO Chris Roberts has spoken about his decision to leave the company he founded just four years ago. As we suspected, the company's troubles were down to "wanting to develop not only hugely ambitious games, but too many hugely ambitious games", leaving the company's finances stretched after four years without a single game being released - the sole title to emerge with the Digital Anvil name on it was actually mostly developed by a small British company."
We ignored, of course, the rumors that he'd been fired by EA because Wing Commander IV had gone over-budget.
When Digital Anvil signed a publishing contract with Microsoft, our jaws dropped -- but only momentarily. This is the best thing that could happen, we were told! Microsoft would provide Digital Anvil with unlimited capital, and they don't care about how long it takes to develop a game! We ignored, of course, the fact that this made absolutely no sense. We were kids, and we didn't realize that the reason Microsoft has lots and lots of money is because they invest it wisely -- not because they throw away randomly.
When Digital Anvil president Martin Davies left, this was the best thing that could happen! Chris Roberts would get more responsibilty! We ignored, of course, the fact that Davies specifically stated that his departure was because the company had lost their original vision.