Op Ed

Derek Smart - Interstellar Justice.
"Give backers the opportunity to hire an independent forensics accountant, and an executive producer, to audit the company records, and give an accurate picture of the financial health of the company, and it’s ability to complete, and deliver this project in a timely fashion. I hereby offer to foot the entire costs of this effort. And I will put up to $1m of my own money, in an escrow account of an attorney’s choosing, to be used as-needed for this exercise. I will pay this price to prove that I had every right to seek these answers. So this money can either go toward a good cause (righting this ship), or to attorneys who are most likely to burn it all down anyway."

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Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:47
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:47
Jul 17, 2015, 21:47
Goodluck Flamethrower

with how this is turning out, i won't even be mad if i lose my 100$.. as long as it turns out to be hilariously bad.

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Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:32
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:32
Jul 17, 2015, 21:32
The only thing that could save Chris is when Kilrathi invade earth in reality.
"On 2646.215 I myself attacked & destroyed TCS Tiger's Claw in my Jalthi heavy fighter"
Bakhtosh Redclaw Nar Kiranka
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Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:16
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:16
Jul 17, 2015, 21:16
CDWarden wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 21:03:
I'm not a backer of SC, nor a supporter so I don't think I qualify as a SC "white knight". Even still, this tirade of Smart's is just baffling. He's upset because it is "vaporware"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't SC only been in active development for about 2 years, maybe 3? and doesn't your average AAA level title take ... around 4-5? am I wrong?

If Smart thinks that a game of this magnitude can be done in 2 years, and any longer is "vaporware" maybe that explains why all of his projects have been colossal and legendary turds.

You are also shifting the blame in unreasonable fashion. The only person who seems to not know that making games takes time is the man himself, Christ Roberts. He is the one who came up with unrealistic dates and who -against better knowledge (unless he really is totally retarded)- keeps on pumping out unrealistic dates during his live presentations etc.

According to Roberts, Squadron 42 is still scheduled for release by the end of this year and the commercial release of the PU (with 100+ star systems) for next year. Both will not happen. I can guarantee that just by looking at the monthly reports and other indications of the project's status.

The problem is not people's expectations. Many people perfectly understand that making games of this scope takes time. The problem is the sleazy snake oil used car salesman style of Christ Roberts who -against better knowledge- chooses to keep people in the dark with regard to a more realistic schedule and has even gone as far as promising that more money would help get things done faster.
It is clear as day that Roberts chooses to keep backers in the dark because he wants to keep selling ships for a game that people believe is around the corner, a belief that is specifically fueled by Roberts Himself setting completely unrealistic dates.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:14
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:14
Jul 17, 2015, 21:14
zombiefan wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:30:
The Donald Trump (outrageous ego) of video games takes on the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of video games (promising Nirvana while fleecing the imbecilic sheep). Now we just need Geraldo to cover the fracas. Or Jack Thompson.

Trump is a very apt comparison. I have no idea why he gets the air time he does.

Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:09
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:09
Jul 17, 2015, 21:09
It seems he spends money on lawyers and investigators, then writes an inflammatory article as a form of advertising?

I agree, why not spend that money on making a game looking like 2015 standards?

That said, I find it interesting to see what happens next. Popcorn
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 21:03
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 21:03
Jul 17, 2015, 21:03
I'm not a backer of SC, nor a supporter so I don't think I qualify as a SC "white knight". Even still, this tirade of Smart's is just baffling. He's upset because it is "vaporware"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't SC only been in active development for about 2 years, maybe 3? and doesn't your average AAA level title take ... around 4-5? am I wrong?

If Smart thinks that a game of this magnitude can be done in 2 years, and any longer is "vaporware" maybe that explains why all of his projects have been colossal and legendary turds.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:45
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:45
Jul 17, 2015, 20:45
Kajetan wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:41:
NKD wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:35:
Derek just grab a bowl of popcorn with the rest of us and watch Chris Roberts go down with his sinking spaceship. No need for all of this!
This isnt about SC. It was, is and will only be about himself. He's a textbook narcissist.

exactly, and the fact anyone responds to him in any positive way baffles. I haven't seen this level of narcissism in a long time. Wow guy is a real piece of work.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
NKD wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:35:
Derek just grab a bowl of popcorn with the rest of us and watch Chris Roberts go down with his sinking spaceship. No need for all of this!
This isnt about SC. It was, is and will only be about himself. He's a textbook narcissist.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
Jul 17, 2015, 20:41
Aero wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:18:
First, I think CIG is as screwed up as most, but certainly don't believe they are actively engaging in any sort of fraud, intentionally or otherwise (though it's makes fun hyperbole for arguments). Smart's first article (well, selections of it in between egotistical rambling) was a nice analysis of what has always smelled off about the whole Star Citizen thing. Since then, it's just been publicity milking. CIG should just leave it at refunding his money and not say anything else.

Also, um, I kind of don't believe he actually has a million dollars he can just throw away like that. Might be another #humblebrag, like mentioning his Tesla S in passing in the first article.

..and his PHD?
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:35
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:35
Jul 17, 2015, 20:35
Derek just grab a bowl of popcorn with the rest of us and watch Chris Roberts go down with his sinking spaceship. No need for all of this!


Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:30
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:30
Jul 17, 2015, 20:30
The Donald Trump (outrageous ego) of video games takes on the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of video games (promising Nirvana while fleecing the imbecilic sheep). Now we just need Geraldo to cover the fracas. Or Jack Thompson.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:26
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:26
Jul 17, 2015, 20:26
Backers are not publishers, nor are they shareholders. They (YOU) gave Roberts millions on good faith alone. Roberts isn't beholden to anyone.

The legal aspects of crowdfunding are still untested, there having been only a few low-key lawsuits. You got a problem with how Star Citizen is (or isn't) shaping up? Fool me once, right?
Steam + PSN: PHJF
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Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:18
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:18
Jul 17, 2015, 20:18
First, I think CIG is as screwed up as most, but certainly don't believe they are actively engaging in any sort of fraud, intentionally or otherwise (though it's makes fun hyperbole for arguments). Smart's first article (well, selections of it in between egotistical rambling) was a nice analysis of what has always smelled off about the whole Star Citizen thing. Since then, it's just been publicity milking. CIG should just leave it at refunding his money and not say anything else.

Also, um, I kind of don't believe he actually has a million dollars he can just throw away like that. Might be another #humblebrag, like mentioning his Tesla S in passing in the first article.
Re: ArcheAge Head Start Issues
Jul 17, 2015, 20:12
Re: ArcheAge Head Start Issues Jul 17, 2015, 20:12
Jul 17, 2015, 20:12
I don't know why anyone listens to this idiot period.

The fact of the matter is the game has an MMO component. The game was kickstarted in 2012. It's now 2015. You name another game with an MMO component that took 3 years to develop and wasn't complete and total shit.

When I backed this game I did so knowing 2 things:
A. Theres a chance it failed and I lost my money.
B. It would be probably 5-7 years before I saw a fully realized product.

If you were uncomfortable with these things, and don't have an expendable income, maybe you made the wrong decision backing a game with a large amount of money.

If the game comes out in a few years and is even remotely close to the original vision, I'll have a fun game to play. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

But Derek Retard doesn't need to go around trying to fuck shit up for everyone like he's some goddamn messiah trying to save us all.

Go fuck yourself, Derek.
Avatar 55066
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:03
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:03
Jul 17, 2015, 20:03
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 20:02
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 20:02
Jul 17, 2015, 20:02
I don't know if I'm on board with DS's suggestion to do a full on audit of SC. The part of me that revels in schadenfreude jumps at it but honestly I don't know how much of a right I have with my kickstarter pledge to demand much of anything.

What I *would* like to see is an interview with their head designers for a biopsy or ultrasound (as opposed to a post-mortem) of how the fuck their system is all going to work together. I don't need trade secrets or shit but like... how the fuck do you cope with syncing problems between the FPS module where you're boarding a ship and the rest of the universe where shit is flying around? Does that all happen in the same instance or is there two modules passing stateful data back and forth? What is the intent to handle when things fall out of sync? Who wins that battle? Are we talking peer to peer comms or server/clientside? How are you going to deal with the very real latency that emerges at the MMO level due to the daunting amount of data being manipulated in real-time?

This kind of tech has always been talked about in MMO development, yet it's strangely completely missing here.

It's not strange I guess if you figure that they're not worrying about that right now but if you have faith in the project it is a significant missing part.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
Whoops, he went full retard.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
Jul 17, 2015, 19:58
After Battlecruiser, why does anyone listen to this clown anymore?
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 19:55
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 19:55
Jul 17, 2015, 19:55
Tumbler wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 19:52:
He should put that 1 million dollars towards his own game.
Na, that would be too easy. His games are way better without his riches.
Re: Op Ed
Jul 17, 2015, 19:52
Re: Op Ed Jul 17, 2015, 19:52
Jul 17, 2015, 19:52
He should put that 1 million dollars towards his own game.
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