Derek Smart - Interstellar Justice.
"Give backers the opportunity to hire an independent forensics accountant, and an executive producer, to audit the company records, and give an accurate picture of the financial health of the company, and it’s ability to complete, and deliver this project in a timely fashion. I hereby offer to foot the entire costs of this effort. And I will put up to $1m of my own money, in an escrow account of an attorney’s choosing, to be used as-needed for this exercise. I will pay this price to prove that I had every right to seek these answers. So this money can either go toward a good cause (righting this ship), or to attorneys who are most likely to burn it all down anyway."
Bub wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 08:01:
Like many smarter than average people, Mr. Smarts commentary just goes "whoosh" past the smaller minds of your average internet commenter.
Just like the television media, your average person tends to get mesmerized by the spectacle and personality, while loosing sight of the facts that are brought to light.
In my opinion it is time to reign in this wackyness that is crowd funding with a bit of regulation. If not, every huckster out there from tv preachers to diet gurus will be milking this crowd funding bonanza for all it is worth very soon. It is time to require crowdfunding to follow the same kind of rules offering stock for sale comes with.
These reports range from rapidly dwindling funds left to see the project to completion; to a new report that SQ42 is almost a year away if they don’t reduce the scope, and that it is now going to be an episodic game, in which the first episode (about 3hrs long without cut-scenes) is free, while future episodes are going to be paid DLC.They absolutely did not mention or even imply the single player portion of the game was episodic requiring payment to get anything past the first episode. If they did even imply that during the KS time I would never have backed it. Episodic means it'll never be finished. I don't think I have ever seen a game that was labeled "episodic" finished.
Bub wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 08:01:
Like many smarter than average people, Mr. Smarts commentary just goes "whoosh" past the smaller minds of your average internet commenter.
Just like the television media, your average person tends to get mesmerized by the spectacle and personality, while loosing sight of the facts that are brought to light.
In my opinion it is time to reign in this wackyness that is crowd funding with a bit of regulation. If not, every huckster out there from tv preachers to diet gurus will be milking this crowd funding bonanza for all it is worth very soon. It is time to require crowdfunding to follow the same kind of rules offering stock for sale comes with.
shihonage wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 07:37:harlock wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 07:24:
not surprising that some people want to lick trump's asshole
its the same people who are so retarded they would love to drown themselves in his diseased sperm, and dream of choking on a gold encrusted cock
Aww, the angst, the hormones. Keep being adorable, you![]()
harlock wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 07:24:
not surprising that some people want to lick trump's asshole
its the same people who are so retarded they would love to drown themselves in his diseased sperm, and dream of choking on a gold encrusted cock
shihonage wrote on Jul 18, 2015, 06:02:nin wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 21:14:zombiefan wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:30:
The Donald Trump (outrageous ego) of video games takes on the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of video games (promising Nirvana while fleecing the imbecilic sheep). Now we just need Geraldo to cover the fracas. Or Jack Thompson.
Trump is a very apt comparison. I have no idea why he gets the air time he does.
Authenticity tends to get through to people, especially in our age of double-speaking politicians with triple-vetted teleprompter speeches.
nin wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 21:14:zombiefan wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 20:30:
The Donald Trump (outrageous ego) of video games takes on the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of video games (promising Nirvana while fleecing the imbecilic sheep). Now we just need Geraldo to cover the fracas. Or Jack Thompson.
Trump is a very apt comparison. I have no idea why he gets the air time he does.
Agent.X7 wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 19:58:
Whoops, he went full retard.
What the corporate expenses (paying approx $14K per month rent with backer money as a corporate housing in Pacific Palisades, is usually a big Red flag) for this company, built on crowd-funding, is?
CDWarden wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 21:03:
I'm not a backer of SC, nor a supporter so I don't think I qualify as a SC "white knight". Even still, this tirade of Smart's is just baffling. He's upset because it is "vaporware"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't SC only been in active development for about 2 years, maybe 3? and doesn't your average AAA level title take ... around 4-5? am I wrong?
If Smart thinks that a game of this magnitude can be done in 2 years, and any longer is "vaporware" maybe that explains why all of his projects have been colossal and legendary turds.
Agent.X7 wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 19:58:Maybe we need a new meme? We've got full retard, we've got full McIntosh, maybe we need "going full Smart."
Whoops, he went full retard.
"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."
- Jim Goad